• Hi guys,

    today we started a new sequence about IRELAND!

    Here is what you said:

    Ireland is an island. It's a traditional country:

    - beer  /  pub  (Guinness)
    - traditional houses (Eyeries, caravan, ...)
    - language (Gaelic)
    - Religion (Catholic, three-leaf shamrock, Celtic cross)

    New Sequence: Ireland, the green country



    - pour le mercredi 21/05: vous pouvez corriger vos deux expressions écrites sur l'Australie (Dreamtime Story et Travel Brochure). Si vous le faites et que la correction est satisfaisante, vous pourrez augmenter votre score!

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  • Hey,

    today you got yourselves prepared for the final test about Australia and we watched a last video about the subject.

    Here is what you said about it:

    The document is a video resume to win the competition.
    She wants to be a lifestyle photographer.
    She presents her experiences, her personality, and her likes.
    She is a French fashion photographer.
    She likes CULture, NAture, and adVENture.
    She can take pictures of anybody and anything.
    She has already had a lot of experience.
    She has lived in Australia for 3 years.
    She knows how to put her pictures online.
    -> She has a lot of potential.



    - final test about Australia (C.E. + E.E.)

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  • Hi guys,

    today we watched a video and you had to practise making suggestions in English.



    - se préparer pour le devoir final sur l'Australie (une compréhension écrite sur un texte inconnu + une expression écrite):

    Vous êtes directeur d'une agence de voyage britannique. Vous devez refaire votre mini guide pour donner envie à vos clients anglais d'aller en Australie. Faites plusieurs rubriques (outdoors activities, monuments, culture, ...) et mettez-les en avant. Rédigez uniquement le texte.

    Dans votre brochure, vous devrez impérativement:
    - utiliser des superlatifs
    - insérer des témoignages de touristes
    - faire des suggestions


    Fiche de révisions disponible ci-dessous:

    Preparing tomorrow's test

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  • Hey,

    today we corrected your listening test from last time about the Aborigines and the conditions of living.
    Here is what we said in English:

    Part 1: The creation of the world in Australia.
    At the dawn of time, the legend says the animal spirits created the land and the first aboriginal people.

    Part 2: The conditions of living in the "Outback".
    The Aborigines live in the desert. They don't have water, food, houses, roads, ... They adapt to nature but nature doesn't adapt to them.
    The conditions of living of harsh / severe / unforgiving. Normally a desert is uninhabitable.

    Farenheit / Celsius -> Freezing = 0°C = 32°F
                                 100°F -> 38°C

    Part 3: The place of Nature for the Aborigines.
    Nature is like a religion. It is holy and sacred. It is their cathedral.





    - devoir de fin de séquence en vue. Ex: vous êtes directeur d'une agence de tourisme et vous devez présenter un voyage en Australie à un couple d'anglais sportifs; ils sont très curieux des activités et de la culture à découvrir dans ce pays. Écrivez leur dialogue et proposez-leur des choses intéressantes à faire pour leur profil.

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  • Hey,

    as some of you were unruly last time, you had the chance to take a test instead of painting... too bad, ain't it?

    So let's behave next time or you will have the same attitude from your teacher...

    Anyways... you first made a list of what you need to do dot paintings and you watched the very first part of a video with a woman explaining what to do.

    Then you took a test about Aborigines. You had to write in French everything you understood from another video.



    - penser à comment agencer les éléments de narration dans son dessin et peut-être que nous pourrons passer à la pratique... who knows...?

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