• Hi guys,

    today we worked on pronouncing correctly the report you had written last time. Good job!

    Then we started to read a text about Kevin Roche.

    You will become real reporters, won't you?



    - s'entraîner à faire le "reporter" pour avoir la meilleure intonation et prononciation possible.
    - relire le texte distribué en classe et être capable de donner tous les personnages mentionnés dans le document.


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  • Hi guys,

    today we created a new news channel that you baptized "JC TV"! What a cool name! =)

    Here is the report you created to associate it with the video we watched about the murals in Ireland:

    "Today, I'm in school in Derry, a city at the border with Northern Ireland and Eire. 
    I'm with the pupils and three artists (Tom, Kevin, and Willy).
    They are teaching art workshops for children. They started a drawing and finally, they will put it on a façade. They look for inspiration and ideas from the children.
    The pupils are painting the dove mural to remember the civil war in Derry. It's a symbol for peace and the future.

    It was a junior for "Joliot Curie Middle School" in France for JC TV."



    - surligner dans la leçon les mots qui seront accentués par le journaliste lors du reportage.

    - s'entraîner à lire le reportage avec la vidéo sans le son et caler sa voix et ce que l'on dit par rapport aux images.


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  • Hi guys,

    today we finished the lesson about the murals in Derry. Here is the lesson you wrote in your copybooks:

    Murals in Derry

    Murals in Derry

       The document is a report about Derry, a city at the border with Northern Ireland and Eire.

       In Derry, a civil war happened. Policemen and soldiers killed a lot of civilians. 14 people died on « Bloody Sunday ».

       To remember this war, people painted monochrome paintings. In Derry, on the façades of many houses, there are murals which represent the violence of the war. They are stark and bleak.

       The dove mural is a symbol for peace.  The colours symbolize the war of the past, the red of the blood and the peace of the future.



    - être capable de parler du reportage "Murals in Derry" et des "murals" irlandais en général.

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  • Hey,

    today we continued talking about the report dealing with "the murals in Derry".

    Here are some things that you could have said about it:

    The Murals in the Bogside in Derry

    The first picture is a graffiti on a house. It looks like a photograph; it's realistic. It's black and white, stark and bleak.
    A Sunday in Ireland was "Bloody Sunday". 14 people were killed.

    The mural with the dove symbolizes peace and a better future. There are many colours.


    We'll write a personalized lesson next time from the texts you wrote with your groups.



    - regarder à nouveau l'extrait vu en cours et chercher à mieux comprendre encore le document.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we continued talking about Ireland and we spoke about "The Troubles". Here is what we said:

    The problems have existed since 1972.
    The troubles between Catholics and Protestants have continued since then.
    No peaceful solution has been found.
    There have been many riots and the civil war has caused violent deaths.

    struggle / riot / tension
    the shamrock with 3 leaves is the symbol for Ireland and the Catholic religion (the father / the son / the holy spirit)

    Then we finished the lesson with trying to draw the picture of a dove, a symbol for peace... hard, isn't it?

    Here is the document we watched:



    - apprendre les leçons sur l'Irlande.

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