• Hello everybody,

    This week, you came back to school so I presented you the "class contract" for this year.

    Then, we started working on the correction of the webquest about American diners.

                Thursday, September 4th
                                    (the fourth)

                AMERICAN DINERS : Correction of the webquest.

    Today, we discovered the origins of American cuisine.
    We saw that guacamole came from the Mexicans.
    Then, we learnt that biryani came from the Indians.
    The American cuisine is a melting-pot of Chinese, Cajun and Italian food too.

    During the next lesson, we started watching an extract from the film fallingand we imagined what was going to happen :

    Anticipate - What will happen after this scene?  


    Mot de l'opinion + auxiliaire du futur : example :

    I think the customer will spit on the waitress.




    Auxiliaire de la supposition : example :

    The customer may use a gun.


    Homework : learn the lesson (ci-dessus)



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  • Welcome To Your New English Blog

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  • Hi everyone,

    after a rather bad start... you finally succeeded in doing something alright TOGETHER... you need to know how to collaborate INTELLIGENTLY as a group...


    Here is what you finally produced with the corrections added:



    - se préparer à être soit le journaliste, soit Kevin Roche.

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  • Webquest:

    1- Find the words in English for : "Domhnach na Fola".


    2- Find 4 murals connected to this event. Explain what they represent.

        __________________________      __________________________     

        __________________________      __________________________     

    3- Sum up what happened during that day. (about 30 words)





    4- Listen to the song and watch the video:
        a- What do you understand?




        b- What are the names on the screen? What does Bono (the singer) say at the end of the song?

    Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRqHedUz_WA

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  • Hi guys,

    today you read the text about Kevin again and many of you did understand it pretty easily. Great job!

    You then had to begin and imagine the questions you could ask if you were a journalist interviewing Kevin Roche.

    Here are some things you could have said about his ambitions:

    He'd like to leave school and start work but he is Catholic and he lives in Belfast, a Protestant city.
    He'd like to go to England or to the USA to work.

    He has a Protestant girlfriend but it's a secret. He wouldn't like his parents to know. They don't agree.
    If his father knew it, he would kill him.

    - find a job
    - ambition
    - unemployment / unemployed
    - leave


    Tomorrow, we'll gather all the questions you'll have imagined on a shared document.


    - il serait intéressant pour vous de finir la préparation de vos questions pour pouvoir les mutualiser rapidement demain ensemble en salle informatique.

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