
    Hello everyone,

    Today, you heard about Mister Crazy.

    You gave examples about his food habits :

    Here is what you said : 


    - Mr Crazy always eats rotten egg plant for lunch because he loves disgusting things.
    - He always has out of date beetroot for dinner because he's stupid !
    - He often eats rotten kumara because he is crazy about mouldy vegetables.
    - He usually eats mouldy pasta because he is absent-minded.
    - Mr Crazy hardly ever eats chips because he doesn't like fat food at all.
    - He always eats frozen fish because he's lazy.
    - Normally, he never eats boiling hot ice-cream because he was born in a lunatic asylum.
    - He never eats fresh fruit because he likes rotten food.


    Then, you used the document and found this :

    He sometimes eats mouldy capsicum for dinner. 


    He often eats frozen carrots for breakfast. 


    He never has fresh Maori potatoes. 


    Mister Crazy usually eats rotten salad. 


    Here is the new vocabulary :



    Word   bank 




    Rotten (pourri)


    Mouldy (moisi)


    Smelly (malodorant)


    Fat (gras)


    Frozen (congelé)


    Boiling hot (brûlant)


    Out of date (périmé)

    HOMEWORK : Tuesday, November 4th 

    Learn 5 sentences about Mr Crazy + invent 2 new sentences.



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  • Hello everbody,

    Here are the last lessons we had :

    Here is the lesson for today :

    Thursday, October 16th

    (the sixteenth)

    Frequency adverbs and food

    I never eat sweet corn for breakfast.


    I hardly ever have capsicum for dinner.


    I always eat egg plant for lunch.


    Vegetables, colours and adverbs.

    HOMEWORK : 17 October :

    Learn the lesson + adverbs + finish ex 

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  • Hello everybody,

    Today, you discovered a poster and talked about it : description, type of document, goal/objective :

    Eat your colours every day !

    Friday, October 10th

    (the tenth)

    A poster for healthy food.

    The background of the poster is green. We can see a girl eating salad. The big slogan is “Eat your colours every day” and the small slogan says “5 + a day”.

    We think it’s an advert for people who should eat more vegetables. Indeed, people don’t eat enough vegetables.

    People should eat five fruit and vegetables a day/ every day.

    They don’t eat healthy food.

    Exercise : Give advice to people for their health (food).


    1)  People shouldn’t eat a lot of sweet food.

    2)  You should eat balanced food.

    3)  To be healthy, you shouldn’t eat between meals.

    4)  You should drink a lot of water.

    5)  For a better life, you should eat more vegetables and less sweets.

    6)  You shouldn’t eat extremely fat meals for dinner.

    A retenir :

    Sujet + should/shouldn’t + base verbale (infinitif) + complement

    HOMEWORK : Monday 13th : Learn the correction of the exercise. 

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  • Hello everybody,

    Today, you had an English test about personalities and adverbs.

    For tomorrow (Friday 15th) : prepare your blog page

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  • Hello everybody,

    Yesterday, we started with a flashtest :


    1)    Comparaisons :

    a)    Bob est aussi drôle que Bill : Bob is as funny as Bill.

    b)    Mary est plus travailleuse que Jenny : Mary is more hardworking than Jenny.

    c)     Liam est moins paresseux que Tim : Liam is less lazy than Tim.

    d)    Sally est plus paresseuse que Sasha : Sally is lazier than Sasha.

    e)    Ma sœur est plus maladroite que mon frère : My sister is clumsier than my brother.


    2)    Verbes de goût

    a)    J’adore jouer de la guitare : I love playing the guitar.

    b)    Il déteste manger des légumes : He hates eating vegetables.

    c)     Elle aime beaucoup manger du pain au petit-déj : She likes eating bread very much for breakfast.

    d)    Nous sommes fous du football ! We are crazy about soccer !

    e)    Elle n’aime pas trop écouter du R&B : She doesn’t really like listening to R&B.

    Then, I gave you the instructions for the final task :

    Let’s recap 


    Create the first page of a blog about you. 


    Include : 


    • Three qualities that you have (with the degrees) 
    • Three of your flaws (+degrees) 
    • Three things you like doing 
    • Three things you don’t really like doing 


    Use : personality adjectives, degrees, activities vocabulary, tastes verbs. 


    Presentation : type your text on a computer and illustrate it (A4).


    Imitate the layout of a blog page. 




    Thursday : English test (revisions about tastes, personality, comparisons)

    Friday : create the blog page (à imprimer ou rendre sur clé USB)



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