• Hi guys,

    today we first made a vocabulary recap of outdoors activities. And then we commented on Ben Southall's video.
    Here is what we said:

    Type of video: This document is a video resume of Ben Southall. He talks about his travels and experiences. 

    * He has already been to Africa. He has driven all around the continent.
    * He has already scuba-dived.
    * He has had many sensational experiences.
    * He has already given radio and TV interviews.
    * He has alreadywritten a blog. 

    Other activities:
    - ride an ostrich.
    - feed turtles.

    Possible job applications:

    - zoologist
    - vet
    - journalist
    - explorer
    - researcher
    - adventurer



    - être capable de parler de l'expérience de Ben et de vos propres expériences. Avez-vous déjà....? nourri des tortues...? donné des interviews...? ... etc.


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  • Hi guys,

    today we continued to work on the story of the Once-Ler and you saw that he was not a monster when he was young. Here is what we said about his story:

    When the Once-Ler discovered the place, he found* paradise.
    Before, he didn't have success; he was sad. But when he arrived, he cried and he was* happy / ecstatic.
    He first saw* the beautiful Truffula trees. The animals liked to play. Then the fish sang* and the Bar-Ba-Loots climbed in the trees. They made* a pyramid and ate* fruit.
    -> In the past, the Once-Ler didn't look like a monster. He was* just an ordinary young man.


    * Irregular verbs *
    find -> found
    be -> was / were
    see -> saw
    sing -> sang
    make -> made
    eat -> ate



    - écrire en français un paragraphe de 5 lignes sur comment utiliser le passé en anglais.

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  • Hi guys,

    today finished talking about the story of the Once-Ler. We only had time to write some words in the notebooks.

    Here are some of them:

    - come* -> came
    - sing* -> sang
    - splashed around [t]
    - played [d]
    - danced [t]
    - be* -> was / were
    - see* -> saw
    - eat* -> ate
    - have* -> had
    - feel* -> felt
    - unloaded [id]

    * = irregular verbs
    -ed = regular verbs



    - pour chaque verbe, faire une phrase qui parle de l'histoire du Once-Ler. Conjuguez au prétérit en commençant par:
    before / in the past / way back in the days / a long time ago / ....

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  • Hi guys,

    today finished talking about the story of the Once-Ler. We only had time to write some words in the notebooks.

    Here are some of them:

    - come* -> came
    - sing* -> sang
    - splashed around [t]
    - played [d]
    - danced [t]
    - be* -> was / were
    - see* -> saw
    - eat* -> ate
    - have* -> had
    - feel* -> felt
    - unloaded [id]

    * = irregular verbs
    -ed = regular verbs



    - pour chaque verbe, faire une phrase qui parle de l'histoire du Once-Ler. Conjuguez au prétérit en commençant par:
    before / in the past / way back in the days / a long time ago / ....

    - pour ceux et celles qui auraient oublié (Naïla, Grégoire, Raphaël, ...) et les absents, n'oubliez pas de me rapporter votre devoir sur feuille = comparer le monde du Once-Ler avant (dans le passé) et aujourd'hui (dans le présent); opposer les deux mondes.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we first talked about the following picture and we classified your ideas in different columns corresponding to many categories (monuments, dates, music, celebrities, characters, ...).


    Then we continued the lesson with the beginning of your survival guide in London... Here are some possible tricky situations:

    - You're sick
    - You're lost
    - You're in a shop
    - You're late
    - You're out of pounds
    - You hate the food from your family
    - You're arrested by the police



    - penser à quelques phrases qui pourraient être utiles pour les 3 premières situations. Nous ferons des activités avec Poppy pendant les 4 prochains cours pour créer le "perfect guide".


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