• Hi guys,

    today you had to start your final project for the end of the lessons about "The Dangers of the Internet". For after the holidays, you will have to finish the poster.



    - finir le texte à ajouter à votre poster sur les dangers d'internet.

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  • Ciao ragazzi!

    il Carnevale arriva e...oggi abbiamo lavorato su questo tema a partire da questo documento:

    Download « 1 carnevale.pdf »

    che illustra questa poesia:

    Download « 2 ALFABETO carnevale.pdf »

    COMPITI per lunedi' 17 marzo:


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  • Ciao ragazzi,

    oggi, dopo aver verificato che conoscete i verbi all'imperfetto, abbiamo fatto un'attività di E.S.(espressione scritta) sui ricordi (=souvenir) con frasi di questo tipo:

    "Mi ricordo che..."

    - quando ero piccolo/bambino...

    - durante le vacanze estive/invernali/di Natale...

    - l'anno scorso...

    - due anni fa...(=il y a deux ans)




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  • Hi guys,

    here is what we said today about the analysis of the song "add me".

    Analysis of the song



    - apprendre les commentaires (analyses et vocabulaire) sur la chanson.
    - test = Mercredi.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we watched a video about when the Once-Ler discovered the new place he was going to live in.
    Here is what we said about it:

    First, he discovered "paradise". He saw* the trees. He was* very happy / ecstatic and he cried.
    Then the fish welcomed him. They said "hello" and they sang* a little.
    The Bar-Ba-Loots made* a pyramid and the cute baby bear ate* fruit.
    A baby bird was born; he woke up* and waited to eat.
    The mama bird flew* over the river, through the forest.

    *Irregular verbs*
    wake up



    - contrôle de leçon à l'écrit. Préparez une demi feuille pour le faire.

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