• Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EO: ritual de clase + repaso

    - CO: Cuando vayamos a Perú (2)

    - PRL: Idée de futur

    Cuando vayamos (ir, nosotros, subjuntivo) a Perú // Cuando estén (estar, elloos, subjuntivo) en Benidorm

    Idée de futur: CUANDO + SUBJUNTIVO, FUTURO

    Ejemplos: Cuando yo vaya a Perú, visitaré el Machu Picchu. / Cuando yo esté en Benidorm, iré a la playa.

    SUBJUNTIVO: AR -> ER  / ER, IR -> AR

    Vocabulario: montar a caballo / comprar / vender / un recuerdo / el mercado / estar de acuerdo / caminar

    Para el 1 de marzo de 2016:

    - revoir la leçon

    - rendre le DM

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  • Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EO: ritual de clase

    - CO: El Quijote

    - CE: Descripción de personajes

    Para el 1 de marzo de 2016:

    - faire une phrase au crayon pour parler de ses vacances (cf.cours du 5/01)



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  • Ted wants to see a real tree.
    He must find "The Once-Ler", a character in the story.
    He knows the secret story of the real trees.
    He knows what happened to the trees.
    Ted must meet this character and speak to him.

    The story of the Once-Ler is a scary poem with rhymes:
    - the grass never grows
    - the wind blows
    - the birds don't sing, just the crows.


    - apprendre les leçons de la séquence "The Lorax" pour être capable de parler des personnages et de l'histoire de départ.

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  • Aaron Kosminski...?

    Here is the document we watched (we commented on the evolution of forensics techniques)

    Today there is new technology.
    There are crime labs (invented in Lyon) with DNA evidence and blood samples.
    Thanks to evidence on a shawl, a man says Jack the Ripper is Aaron Kosminski.
    But it's only one theory. It's still a mystery for Scoland Yard (the police).



    - ceux qui n'ont pas rendu leur texte joliment présenté => produire ce texte.
    - bien connaître tous les éléments de l'enquête et savoir créer une histoire au passé (preterite / preterite Be+ing)

    And Jack the Ripper is....

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  • Hello guys,

    today we first spoke about different languages and then we continued the lesson about Vincent.

    Here are some things you said:

    When he goes through a door, or when the lights change, he goes to another dimension. The doors are like a portal.
    He goes back to reality but he also dreams to kill a member of his family. We imagine he is in foster care.

    Possible voices:
    The pets and monster(s)
    The painting (maybe the woman is trapped in it?)
    Vincent Malloy and Vincent Price
    The narrator
    Other voices in his head


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