• ______________________


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  • Montague was a barrister so maybe he used a broken bottle.
    He committed suicide.

    George was a barber so maybe he used a razor.
    He was preparing a potion for his wife.

    Mary was a midwife so maybe she used a scalpel.
    She was working at the hospital.

    Aaron was a hairdresser so maybe he used a razor or scissors.
    He was drinking beer at the Ten Bells.

    John was a bootmaker so maybe he used a knife.
    He was watching a fire on the docks.

    Albert was prince so maybe he used a sword.
    He was sleeping in his castle.

    Francis was a doctor so maybe he used a scalpel.
    He was showing his collection of female organs to his friends...



    - connaître les alibis de chaque suspect (savoir conjuguer ses verbes correctement au passé et connaître le vocabulaire métier / armes)
    - devoir de compréhension de l'oral = APPORTER SES ECOUTEURS!

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  • BBC's Sherlock is both a bad and a good adaptation.
    It's bad because it's a different century and there's different technology.

    But it's also good because the situation and the characters are similar:
    * the characters are in a lab.
    * Sherlock is looking for a flatmate.
    * He is very talkative and exuberant.
    * He is childish and excited about suicide.
    * He is very messy.
    * Dr Watson is very different from Sherlock but they are a good match. They will become flatmates and friends. Dr Watson will be Sherlock's side-kick.



    - devoir de leçon sur Sherlock et devoir de compréhension écrite (lecture d'un texte connu ou inconnu).

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  • The child and his family are eating vegetable jelly.
    It's in the future.
    Trees will disappear because of pollution.
    The child wants to see a real tree and a real forest.

    In the future, trees are high-tech. They can change colours with the seasons, they can make light and become disco balls; they are electronic but they are not real...

    The child is ashamed of his mother when she dances.

    seasons = Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter



    - apprendre la trace écrite
    - regarder la vidéo à nouveau
    - se préparer au contrôle = savoir décrire une image.

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  • Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EO: ritual de clase + repaso

    - PRL: El futuro

    - CO: Cuando vayamos a Perú

    El documento es una conversación / un diálogo entre dos chicos y una chica: hablan del programa de un viaje a Perú y Bolivia.

    Vocabulario: antes / después

    Para el 11 de febrero de 2016:

    - revoir la leçon


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