• Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EO: ritual de clase

    - corrección de la CO, ie. El Quijote

    - corrección de la CE, ie. descripciones físicas

    - CO: Dictado

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  • Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EO: ritual de clase + repaso

    - CO: Cuando vayamos a Perú (2)

    - PRL: Idée de futur

    Cuando vayamos (ir, nosotros, subjuntivo) a Perú // Cuando estén (estar, elloos, subjuntivo) en Benidorm

    Idée de futur: CUANDO + SUBJUNTIVO, FUTURO

    Ejemplos: Cuando yo vaya a Perú, iré a Machu Picchu. / Cuando yo esté en Benidorm, iré a la playa.

    SUBJUNTIVO: AR -> ER  / ER, IR -> AR

    Vocabulario: montar a caballo / comprar / vender / un recuerdo / el mercado / estar de acuerdo /

    Para el 29 de febrero de 2016:

    - revoir la leçon

    - rendre le DM

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  • Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EO: ritual de clase

    - EO: reformulación de la carta de Manuel a Juan (cf.EE)

    - corrección de la EE, ie. promocionar un país o una ciudad

    - CO: Cuando vayamos a Perú (1)

    El documento es un diálogo / una conversación entre dos chicos y una chica que hablan de su futuro viaje a Bolivia y Perú.

    Vocabulario: un mapa / antes / después

    Para el 12 de febrero de 2016:

    - revoir la leçon

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  • Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EO: ritual de clase + repaso

    - CO: Cuando vayamos a Perú (2)

    - PRL: Idée de futur

    Cuando vayamos (ir, nosotros, subjuntivo) a Perú // Cuando estén (estar, elloos, subjuntivo) en Benidorm

    Idée de futur: CUANDO + SUBJUNTIVO, FUTURO

    Ejemplos: Cuando yo vaya a Perú, descubriré Lima. / Cuando yo esté en Bolivia, veré el Salar de Uyuni.

    SUBJUNTIVO: AR -> ER  / ER, IR -> AR

    Vocabulario: montar a caballo / comprar / vender / un recuerdo / el mercado / estar de acuerdo / caminar

    Para el 29 de febrero de 2016:

    - revoir la leçon

    - rendre le DM

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  • Hello!

    Today, you finished the suspects’ interviews, you did a good job! Then we did a recap for all the suspects. Now, the question is: who do you think is the killer???

    The suspects’ profiles

    Aaron Kosminski was a hairdresser so he had access to scissors. On the night of the murder, he was having beers at the Ten Bell’s with his brother/friend?

    Francis T. was a doctor so he had access to many weapons such as scalpels. On the night of the murder, he was showing his collection of female organs to his friends at home.

    Prince Albert was a Prince, in line for succession on the throne. On the night of the murder, he was resting in Sandringham, in the North of England.

    Montague D. was a barrister and a school master so he didn’t have access to weapons. He committed suicide on November 9th in the morning.

    Mary P. was a midwife so she didn’t have access to weapons (?).On the night of the murder, she was working at a hospital, in Whitechapel.

    John P. was a bootmaker so he had access to knives and hammers. He was watching a fire on the docks.

    George Chapman was a barber so he had access to scissors and razors. He was preparing a potion for his wife because she was really sick.

    Not in your copybook / Questions to the suspects:

    ·         Do you have an alibi?

    ·         Do you know the victim?

    ·         What were you doing on the night of the murder?

    ·         Were you drinking on the night of the murder?

    ·         Where were you at the time of the murder?

    ·         What were you wearing on the night of the murder?

    ·         Do you have a weapon?

    Homework for Monday 29th: finir d’écrire la leçon de ce jour et être en mesure de donner votre opinion sur qui est le coupable et pourquoi (au brouillon). + REVOIR TOUTE LA LECON JACK THE RIPPER.

    > Les personnes en charge des profils des victimes doivent me remettre leur production à la rentrée !












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