• Hello!

    Today, you prepared questions to get more information from the witness and then you listened to an old recording of the testimony to find answers!

    Lesson 6: Interrogating the witness

    1. What time did you see them? / What time was it?

    I saw* them at 2:00 a.m. on the 9th.

    2. Did you see any evidence?

    No, I didn’t.

    3. Where did they go?

    They went* into Dorset street.

    4. Were they close?

    I don’t really know.

    5. What was he wearing? How was he like?

    I couldn’t see.

    6. Do you think he was the killer?

    Yes, maybe he was.

    7. Where did you see them?

    I saw them in the street.

    8. What were they doing?

    Kelly was waiting for a potential customer. Then, they were drinking.

    9. Did you see a weapon / a knife in his hand?

    I’m not sure, but he was carrying a small parcel in his left hand.

    10. Did you know the victim?

    Yes, a little, she asked me for money, but I couldn’t give her.

    Homework for Monday 8th: apprendre les questions posées au témoin et aller sur le blog pour recopier les réponses. Revoir l’ensemble du témoignage jusqu’ici.

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  • Ciao ragazzi,


    oggi il gruppo che era con Giulia ha lavorato sugli stereotipi:

    attività di I.O. (interazione orale)  sugli stereotipi più comuni relativi agli italiani.






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  • Hi there!

    Today, you watched Saheen's audition and you did a great job! You also finished exercise 9 on the Personality worksheet.

    Saheen’s audition

    Saheen is twelve and he came* with his mother.

    He is not arrogant at all and he is a little nervous. He can’t dance like Asandra but I think he can sing extremely well.

    Contrary to Asandra, he is not very talkative, he’s quite shy.

    The jury ask Saheen to stop because the first song is wrong. He is really brave because he sings again a song by Michael Jackson. At the end, the jury is amazed!!

    His mother is very proud!

    Homework for Friday 5th: apprendre la leçon sur Saheen + être capable de parler de sa propre personnalité (préparation du concours / possibilité de faire sa présentation au brouillon pour que je vous aide à l'améliorer)



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  • Hello!


    Here is your class biteslide code: oo2Nq3hT.

    Make sure you write it down if you want to finish your presentation.


    J'ai vu la plupart de vos présentations. Certains d'entre vous n'ont pas beaucoup avancé! Il faut

    impérativement avoir quelque chose d'abouti pour demain.

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  • Ciao ragazzi,

    oggi, dopo aver interrogato sulla traccia scritta, abbiamo fatto un'attività di C.O. (comprensione orale) sulla SPESA.


    Paolo compra...


    Poi abbiamo fatto un'attività di I.O.(interazione orale) "Cosa hai comprato?"

    1. Hai comprato cinque uova?

    2. Si, ho comprato cinque uova. / No, non ho comprato cinque uova.

    COMPITI per lunedi' 8 febbraio:

    apprendre la trace écrite (CORREZIONE)

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