• Hi guys,

    today you had to act in front of the class for your final performance of the year!

    Good job to all those who could do it without the worksheet and without any help!



    Rendez-vous en salle informatique pour effectuer des recherches sur la nourriture dans le monde.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we corrected the worksheet about pronunciation and you learned how to put the stress correctly in the sentence and how to pronounce unstressed words.

    We also reviewed a lot of possibilities to express the quantity of something:

    some ...
    a cup of ...
    a bowl of ...
    a glass of ...
    a bottle of ...
    a piece of ...
    a slice of ...
    a side of ...

    Then you had to imagine the next possible scene from the movie...

    I think... he will... :

                               - ... kill the waitress and the manager.
                               - ... give them more money to have breakfast.
                               - ... get angrier and angrier.
                               - ... get a gun.
                               - ... shout at them.
                               - ... become crazy.
                               - ... hit them with his suitcase.

    You can watch it below as an exclusive preview and see if you were right!!



    - apprendre son rôle par cœur pour le passage à l'oral (waitress et manager / customer). Pensez à bien répéter chez vous. Vous n'aurez pas le droit d'avoir le texte sous les yeux et il faudra être le plus naturel et avoir le meilleur accent possible en respectant bien les règles de prononciation vues ensemble. N'hésitez pas à apporter des accessoires pour être aussi fidèles que possible à la scène de départ.

    Good Luck!

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  • Hi guys,

    today we worked on pronunciation. You had to identify the most important words from the document and repeat with the correct sentence stress.

    Finally we started an activity about how to pronounce grammatical words.



    - commencer à s'entraîner pour faire le rôle du client (customer) ou bien les deux rôles serveuse/responsable (waitress / manager)

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  • Hi guys,

    today you first acted some scenes at the restaurant (cashdesk) and then we worked on the following video:

    Here is the lesson you wrote in your copybooks:

    Polite requests:

    Could you give me...
    Could I have...
    I'd like... ( I like)

    I want / I don't want ...

    Reacting to a surprising event in a bad way:
    Are you kidding me? Really? Seriously?
    It's a joke? Are you pulling my leg? What the Hell!

    Video: A customer wants breakfast but he can't have it. It's eleven thirty three and they stopped serving breakfast at 11:30. He is late. It's time for the lunch menu. He gets tense because he really wants to eat.



    - faire l'exercice 1 de la feuille distribuée en cours (script de la vidéo). Vous pouvez bien sûr vous aider de la vidéo en la revisionnant pour faire l'exercice... =)

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  • Hi guys,

    today we started to act a scene at the restaurant where you had to be the waiter / waitress and the customer.

    Here is the dialogue to help you get prepared for your final test.

    * ask for food and drinks:

    - Hi, I'm really hungry, I would like...
    - Hi, I'm really thirsty, I'd like...

    * ask for the price:

    - How much is it, please?

    * give the price:

    - It's $______ all together.

    * give something:

    - Here you are.

    - Enjoy your meal.



    the cashier / waiter / waitress
    the customer / client

    I don't agree!



    - être capable de passer et prendre une commande en anglais.

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