• Hi guys,

    today you had to make a recap of what you knew about Halloween. Here is what you said:

    Halloween traditions:

    Halloween is celebrated on Oct. 31st.
    It is a religious and a medieval celebration.
    People wear ghost costumes for example.
    In the past, people had many beliefs:

    * To protect against evil spirits, they could eat soul cakes or build bonfires.
    * They made jack'o'lanterns to protect their house against evil spirits.
    * Bonfires could kill monsters.
    * Black cats could protect witches.

    a jack'o'lantern = a carved pumpkin with a candle inside.



    - finir de recopier la leçon et l'apprendre = savoir parler des traditions à Halloween.

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  • Hi guys,

    today you worked two hours in English.

    1st hour:

    We completed the lyrics of the song and you had to work on pronunciation. Here is a fill in the blanks exercise that you can do to remember the correct spelling of words:


    2nd hour:

    You had to complete the webquest below and write the correct answers with the question in your notebook:



    - finir la webquest si vous ne l'avez pas encore fait et écrire TOUTES les bonnes réponses (des 4 parties) dans votre cahier avec les questions de chaque partie.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we finished speaking about the song "there's a ghost".

    At the end of the class, you had to fill in this worksheet:



    - terminer la fiche en entier.
    - cours de rattrapage demain mardi 07/10/14 de 16h30 à 17h30

    - Facultatif: faire l'exercice ci-dessous (compléter les paroles de la chanson):

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  • Hi,

    today we listened to the beginning of a song entitled: "There's a ghost". We worked on meaning and rhymes. Here is what we said about it:

    It makes me feel scared.
    It reminds me of a haunted castle.

    It -> the music (it = pronom il / elle pour les objets, les choses).

    In the song, the ghost goes to the top of the tower.
    He can hide, slide, fly, and move like shadows.
    To fight the ghost, you must be brave and very well-prepared.
                                   you mustn't be scared.



    - apprendre la leçon par coeur.
    - interrogation écrite à chaque heure de cours pour la leçon!

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  • What do you know about Halloween? Hi guys,

    today we continued talking about Halloween and you had to write a paragraph in groups about the celebration. Here is the result of your brainstorming:

    Halloween is a party when children wear scary costumes of dead monsters: ghosts, mummies, ...
    The kids knock on the doors to get candy. They want sweets.

    The parents decorate the houses. There are "Jack'o'lanterns" (= decorated pumpkins with a candle).

    There are funny shows on TV and on Youtube.




    - apprendre la leçon ci-dessus et la RECOPIER intégralement dans son cahier si vous ne l'avez pas fait en cours parce que vous avez passablement traîné... Si la leçon n'est pas recopiée (soulignée / surlignée) = heure de retenue! BEWARE!

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