• Hi guys,

    today as nobody could say their lessons properly, you will have a written test EVERY TIME from now on...

    Well well...

    After singing Rapunzel's song and pronuncing correctly the "AND"s throughout the lyrics, we studied the "Routine Jazz Chant".

    You had to create your own.



    - finir l'écriture de son "rap" à propos de la routine de Rapunzel. What does she do every day?
    test de leçon à chaque heure de cours à l'écrit.

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  • Hi guys,

    today after singing with Rapunzel, we spoke about her dreams for the future. Here is what we said:

    She wants to go out to see the lanterns for her birthday. 
    She wants her mother to be less strict.
    She wants to change her routine.
    She dreams of starting a new life.
    She wants to see the lanterns in the castle.
    She doesn't want to stay in her tower.

    -> NB: dans la chanson, WILL ou la contraction 'LL font référence à un événement futur.



    - bien apprendre les leçons sur Rapunzel (test?)
    - se préparer à chanter la chanson "When will my life begin?" avec le bon rythme et le bon accent!

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  • Hi guys,

    today we commented on some pictures again and you had to mime an action in front of the class. Good job!

    Here is what we said for the lesson:

    Décrire une image: PRESENT BE + ING
    Les actions que je décris que je les observe sont au présent BE + ing

    e.g.: I am studying English / You are sitting in class / He is chatting. ...

    We also completed the whole page about Rapunzel's activities:

    Thanks to C. Matthieu for sharing her work



    - bien connaître le vocabulaire et les leçons sur Rapunzel.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we talked more about Rapunzel. Here is what we said about her hair:

    Rapunzel's activities:

    She is fed up of her daily routine. Everyday she does the same chores and the same activities over and over again.

    In the video, she is doing the chores and then she is having fun.

    Rapunzel's hair:

    In the video, when Rapunzel is singing, her hair is magical.
    Her hair can heal.
    Her hair can become bright.
    Her hair can make you young.



    - Refaire l'exercice ci-dessus (puzzle) pour se rappeler le vocabulaire vu en cours.
    - Lorsque vous avez fini l'activité de classement du vocabulaire = Faire un tableau dans son cahier avec 4 colonnes (games, hobbies, arts and crafts, chores) et y reporter les mots de vocabulaire de la vidéo en fonction du type d'activité.
    - être capable de parler de Rapunzel.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we first corrected an exercise about: "Exprimer un souhait" --- WOULD LIKE (TO)


    Then we started a new lesson with some comments about this picture:

    Recap : Exprimer un souhait + New Sequence: Sequence #3 - Rapunzel

    Here is what we said about Rapunzel (not in the copybooks yet as the bell rang so soon!):

    Description :
       * Portrait : Rapunzel has got very long straight blong hair. She has got big green eyes and a little nose with freckles.
    She is smiling.
    She is wearing a pink and beige dress.
    Her chameleon pet (Pascal) is on her shoulder.

      * Story / problem : She doesn't know her parents. She thinks a witch is her mother. She is locked up in a tower.



    - penser à bien rendre sa carte d'invitation ce mercredi. Faites collecter les travaux par vos délégués qui les me les feront déposer dans mon casier.

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