• Hi guys,

    today you took a quick test about last time's lesson. Then we continued watching the video and we commented on the oppositions between the characters.

    The mother is slim whereas the grand-mother is fat.
    She is young ...
    She has brown hair...
    She is smiling ...
    She has got big glasses...
    She is wearing a purple top...


    -> whereas sert à opposer deux phrases entre elles


    Les "lunettes" au verbe... -> Quand je peux observer une action, alors je mets des "lunettes" au verbe (BE + ing)



    - terminer d'écrire les phrases de la leçon en trouvant les choses opposées concernant la grand-mère.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we did a recap of what you knew about the Lorax and how to describe a picture.

    Then we continued the lesson with the oppositions you could see and feel in the document.

    Here is what we said:

    Opposite opinions between the son and the mom:

    Ted wants to have a real tree...


    ... his mother doesn't want a real tree. She prefers the "oak-omatic", the latest model of automatic trees. You can change the colours of the seasons with a remote.

    Vocab = Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter



    dirty, messy VS clean
    the latest model VS the first model / the old tree
    a real tree VS an automatic tree



    - devoir de leçon sur les 1ères leçons du Lorax (= être capable de décrire une image)
    - être capable de parler des différences d'opinion et des différences entre les personnages (regarder la vidéo à nouveau si nécessaire).

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  • Hi guys,

    today we did a recap of what you should know and should say about the first document we studied last time:

    description en Be+ing au présent pour les actions dans le document (on peut les observer, alors on met des lunettes au verbe!!!)

    Then we continued the lesson with some comments about the situation in this 1st extract of the movie:



    - être capable de décrire une image (localisation / vocabulaire de la nature / présent en Be+ing) = devoir?

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  • Hi guys,

    today we started a new lesson about a funny little animal... the Lorax!

    Here some things that you could have said about him:

    Document 1: the cartoon picture

    In the picture, there is a little orange animal in the middle. He is standing in the forest. In the background, there are trees and flowers. There is a river too.
    The Lorax is showing something in the foreground on the right. He is speaking and maybe he is looking at someone.

    He is shocked because a tree was cut. There is a tree stump.



    Description of the creature:

    • an orange fur
    • a thick moustache
    • thick eyebrows



    - IN (the middle / the corner / the background / the foreground)
    - ON (the left / the right)
    - AT (the top / the bottom)



    - finir de d'écrire la leçon dans les cahiers au crayon à papier. 

    - apprendre le nouveau vocabulaire pour localiser les éléments dans une image et se rappeler de la "Indian Dance" pour mémoriser les 3 prépositions IN / ON / AT

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  • Hi guys,

    today we spoke about what you did during the holidays and we made a recap of what you had to know about New Year's Resolutions.


    I went to the cinema. I watched "Kingsmen". I liked the movie a lot.
    I slept everyday in the morning.
    I spent time with my friends outside.
    I played video games.
    I didn't go skiing.
    I didn't visit my grand-parents. ...



    She said...   she was gonna study more.
    He said...     he was gonna be more patient.
    They said... they were gonna learn how to bake.


    Irregular Verbs
    Regular Verbs
        [t] / [d]



    - être capable de résumer ce qui a été dit en cours et faire 3 phrases pour parler de ses vacances d'hiver.

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