• Hi guys,

    today we watched a video about when the Once-Ler discovered the new place he was going to live in.
    Here is what we said about it:

    First, he discovered "paradise". He saw* the trees. He was* very happy / ecstatic and he cried.
    Then the fish welcomed him. They said "hello" and they sang* a little.
    The Bar-Ba-Loots made* a pyramid and the cute baby bear ate* fruit.
    A baby bird was born; he woke up* and waited to eat.
    The mama bird flew* over the river, through the forest.

    *Irregular verbs*
    wake up



    - contrôle de leçon à l'écrit. Préparez une demi feuille pour le faire.

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  • Hi guys,

    today finished talking about the story of the Once-Ler. We only had time to write some words in the notebooks.

    Here are some of them:

    - come* -> came
    - sing* -> sang
    - splashed around [t]
    - played [d]
    - danced [t]
    - be* -> was / were
    - see* -> saw
    - eat* -> ate
    - have* -> had
    - feel* -> felt
    - unloaded [id]

    * = irregular verbs
    -ed = regular verbs



    - pour chaque verbe, faire une phrase qui parle de l'histoire du Once-Ler. Conjuguez au prétérit en commençant par:
    before / in the past / way back in the days / a long time ago / ....

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  • Hi guys,

    today we continued to talk about the Once-Ler and the Lorax. I showed you the pop-up book I had and we commented on what you could see (his world and house today; his world and house in the past, when he was young).

    Here is what you said:

    The world of the Once-Ler

    It looks like Hell now whereas in the past it looked like paradise.
       When he arrived, it was colourful everywhere.
       Today, it is dark.

    Before, there were many trees and many animals.
               the trees were round and had different colours.
               the animals looked like bears or monkeys.
               the birds looked like ducks or geese.

    Conjugaison de BE:
               was / were (you, we, they)



    - connaître par coeur la trace écrite = savoir parler du monde du Once-Ler aujourd'hui et auparavant.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we worked on the Once-Ler's identity and you had to comment on his house comparing the movie and the extract from the book.



    - connaître par coeur la trace écrite = savoir dire qui est "The Once-Ler".

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  • Hi guys,

    today you took a flash test about the lesson dealing with "The Lorax".

    Then we continued analysing the text to understand the meaning.

    Here is what you said (not in the notebooks yet):

    * The Once-Ler is the man who knows what happened to the trees. You must pay 15 cents, a nail, and the shell of a great-great-great-grandfather snail. He will tell you the story of the real trees.


    - peek
    - shutters
    - hut
    - shell
    - snail
    - nail
    - coins


    - relire le texte et savoir associer les mots en gras aux images de la page (cf. le code fait en classe en fin d'heure).

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