pour trouver des publicités potentielles pour votre présentation.



    Hi guys,

    today you had to recap last time's lesson. Then we used the methodology worksheet to comment upon the ad campaign: "Make a Rainbow".

    Here is what we said: I-D-A-H-O

    The document is a campaign.
    It was published in a magazine (maybe).
    I don't know the date.
    It is targeted at everyone, kids and parents. 

    The document can be divided into 3 parts.
    There is the catch-phrase at the top. There is the picture and there are captions in the middle. The logo and the slogan are at the bottom.
    The colours are bright and vivid. They are the colours of the rainbow.

    The document encourages people to eat many vegetables and fruit.
    We should eat 5 pieces of fruit a day. We should eat well-balanced.

    Hidden Context:
    We can link this document to Michelle Obama's campaign. (... cf. lesson: ex: Michelle Obama's campaign encourages people to do sports to be in good health...)

    I think this document is efficient because it attracts kids' attention with the rainbow and it encourages people to eat well-balanced.
    I don't like it because I don't like rainbows.


    Finally, we tried to use the method for another document that we found on the web:

    Preparing your final task (2/3)

    Here is what we said about it (notes only):

    Lesson: "At the restaurant"

    - commercial
    - in the street
    - recent / trendy
    - It deals with a restaurant, more precisely a seafood restaurant.
    - It is targeted at people who walk in the street (= pedestrians) and tourists.



    - chercher une publicité (campagne de sensibilisation en anglais ou publicité pour de la nourriture en anglais) et rapporter la publicité en classe pour en préparer l'analyse.
    - bien apprendre la méthode et le commentaire fait en classe pour "Make a Rainbow".

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    your comment
  • Hey,

    as you are going to present a commercial to the class next week, you had to get prepared for it. Here is the worksheet we worked on and filled in orally.

    Download « method-idaho-advert-food.pdf »



    - s'entraîner à présenter l'affiche "Make a Rainbow" selon le modèle proposé (methodology I-D-A-H-O).
    - chercher une publicité ou campagne de prévention sur la nourriture à commenter pour la semaine prochaine.


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  • Hey,

    today we first made a recap of the lesson with what Michelle Obama recommends us to do. Then we continued the lesson with a quick quiz about your habits to see if the were healthy or if you could improve them.

    Here is what we said:

    We should never go to the fast-food restaurants.
    We should never eat snacks or sweets between meals.
    You should never come to school on an empty stomach = we should never skip breakfast.
    You should sleep 8 to 10 hours on a week night.
    You should do sports three times a week.
    You should always eat five pieces of fruit or vegetables a day.

    -> Les adverbes (courts) comme "never", "always", "sometimes", ... se placent avant le verbe.
         Les expressions (longues) comme "three times a day", "once a month", "twice a week", ... se placent en fin de phrase.



    - apprendre les conseils répertoriés grâce au quiz.
    - se préparer à la tâche finale =
    1- écrire un quiz (questions / réponses possibles) pour faire une enquête de santé au collège.
    2- Commenter une publicité sur la nourriture (campagne de prévention ou publicité en anglais) à l'oral.

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    your comment
  • Hi everyone,


    today you first took a lesson test about how to give advice and you had to give 10 pieces of advice to someone so that they could be in better health.

    Then we listened to Michelle Obama again and we filled in the transcript of the video with the missing words.

        Experts tell us that kids need 60 minutes of activity a day to grow up healthy. And we know that regular physical activity boost kids' concentration and creativity. And it is even linked to improve academic performance.


        Best of all, moving around is just plain fun. And one of the most fun ways to get moving is by exploring America's great outdoors. No matter where you live, there are places near you to get out and get active: from biking around your neighborhood to playing tag or capture the flag in an urban park, from hiking on a mountain trail to paddling around a lake or catching an early morning wave.


        The great outdoors is America's first and best playground. So what are you waiting for? Grab a backpack and get moving outside with your family today.

        For more information on where to go and what to do outside, visit letsmove.gov



    You can download the activity down here again:

    Download « obama transcript quiz and activities.pdf »




    - s'exercer à parler comme Michelle Obama (même accent, même débit). Aidez-vous du script complété et entraînez-vous.

    - reporter le nouveau vocabulaire de cette vidéo (les activités proposées par M. Obama) dans votre carnet de vocabulaire.

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  • Hi guys,


    today we worked on giving advice to people who need better habits so that they are in good shape and in good health. We also worked on the campaign "Let's Move" by Michelle Obama, the first Lady of the USA (the wife of President Barack Obama).

    You had to recap and express more idea from the leaflet I projected and also try to understand the information in the TV/internet commercial. You can watch it again below:

    Here is what we said about it:

    In this video, Michelle Obama encourages families to do sports. She says:

    * You should hike in the mountains.          hike = walk with a backpack
    * You should ride your bikes in the forest.
    * You should play football.
    * You should "paddle around a lake" = You should canoe.
    * You should "catch a morning wave" = You should windsurf.
    * You should play tag or capture the flag.
    * You should do sports to boost your concentration. If you do sports, you are more hard-working, more serious, and more concentrated.

    => You should do 60 minutes of physical activity a day.

    Vocab: - the block / the neighbourhood



    - devoir de mi-parcours (leçon) = être capable de donner au moins 10 conseils à quelqu'un sur ce qu'il devrait faire ou ne pas faire pour rester en bonne santé.

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