• Hi, 

    today we finished working on the Thanksgiving mindmap.

    You had to complete Squanto's story because many elements were missing.

    Here is the final result:

    Preparation for the final tasks



    - pour Mardi 17/12/13 = préparer deux interventions orales.

    * Être capable de présenter l'histoire de Thanksgiving ainsi que les traditions modernes à partir de la carte mentale.
    * Être capable de présenter la biographie d'une personne célèbre vivante ou disparue.

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  • Hi guy,

    today we finished commenting on Thanksgiving modern traditions and we made a mindmap to remember all the things we said to be able to talk about Thanksgiving.

    You can see it here:

    Thanksgiving = end of the lessons



    - être capable de présenter à l'oral l'histoire de Thanksgiving ainsi que les traditions modernes qui l'accompagnent seulement à l'aide de la mindmap.

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  • Hi everyone,


    today we worked on modern Thanksgiving traditions. We'll finish learning about it next time.


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  • Hi guys,

    today you first had to recap last time's lesson about Squanto and you did a good job on the whole.

    Then we worked on grammar and you had to concentrate on:
    1- irregular verbs in the past
    2- the pronunciation of regular verbs (in /ed/)

    You completed your two charts.



    - connaître ses verbes irréguliers et les prononciations des verbes réguliers
    - être capable de parler de l'histoire de Squanto.

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  • Hi guys,

    today I presented you the famous American celebration of "Thanksgiving". It's a celebration to commemorate the friendship and help between the Native Americans and the pilgrims from England.

    We watched a video about Squanto, the Native American who made it all possible:



    - finir de repérer les verbes au prétérit dans le texte (à surligner)
    - être capable de parler de Squanto et de l'origine de Thanksgiving.

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