• Quiz + Advice


    today we first made a recap of the lesson with what Michelle Obama recommends us to do. Then we continued the lesson with a quick quiz about your habits to see if the were healthy or if you could improve them.

    Here is what we said:

    We should never go to the fast-food restaurants.
    We should never eat snacks or sweets between meals.
    You should never come to school on an empty stomach = we should never skip breakfast.
    You should sleep 8 to 10 hours on a week night.
    You should do sports three times a week.
    You should always eat five pieces of fruit or vegetables a day.

    -> Les adverbes (courts) comme "never", "always", "sometimes", ... se placent avant le verbe.
         Les expressions (longues) comme "three times a day", "once a month", "twice a week", ... se placent en fin de phrase.



    - apprendre les conseils répertoriés grâce au quiz.
    - se préparer à la tâche finale =
    1- écrire un quiz (questions / réponses possibles) pour faire une enquête de santé au collège.
    2- Commenter une publicité sur la nourriture (campagne de prévention ou publicité en anglais) à l'oral.

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