• Hello everyone!

    Aujourd'hui, nous avons fini de travailler sur la vidéo puis nous avons commencé à revoir les nombres en anglais

    Here is what you said about the video. (lesson in your copybooks)


    -Jamie and Chidi go to Forrest school.

    -The boys and the girls have got school uniforms.

    -The pupils eat lunch in the school canteen.

    -Jamie and Chidi play during breaktime.

    Here is the video we watched about numbers:


    Homework for Monday 12/10:

    -Apprendre la leçon.

    -Apprendre les nombres de 1à 20 (workbook).


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  • Hi guys,

    today we worked on pronunciation.

    Then we started to prepare your final task: a quiz for students at Charlton about their habits (sports, health, ...).

    Here is a list of questions you started to ask:

    How often do you eat candy?
    How often do you watch TV?
    How often do you drink soda?
    How often do you do sports?
    How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?
    How often do you play video games?
    How often do you go to the fast-food restaurant?



    - se préparer au devoir de séquence (test de prononciation sur la vidéo de Michelle Obama à reproduire en imitant + savoir donner un conseil et parler de repas et de santé, savoir analyser une publicité).

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  • Ciao ragazzi,

    oggi abbiamo completato l'attività sull'ALFABETO ITALIANO e poi giocato a "fare lo spelling" del vostro nome.

    DOMANDA: "Per favore, puoi fare lo spelling del tuo nome?"

    COMPITI per lunedi' 12 ottobre:

    apprendre la prononciation des lettres de l'alphabet


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  • Ciao ragazzi,

    oggi abbiamo realizzato la MISSIONE FINALE in binomio.

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  • Ciao ragazzi,

    oggi, dopo aver ripassato gli articoli, abbiamo continuato con l'attività sui PRONOMI PERSONALI COMPLEMENTO : MI - TI - SI - CI - VI - SI / LA - LO (cod)

    CORREZIONE esercizio n.19:

    TI - MI - SI - LA - LO - TE - TI - TI

    COMPITI per lunedi' 12 ottobre:


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