• Hi guys,

    today you took a test about presentations.




    Then we started to watch this video about... HALLOWEEN! Poor kids... their parents did a bad joke... they said they ate all their candy...! Funny reactions, right?



    - regarder la vidéo à nouveau et être capable de commenter les émotions des enfants.

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  • Hello!

    Last lessons we finished giving your definition of a real friend.

    Then, you completed a survey about your habits.

    Finally, you worked on Asleigh Hall.

    Here are the questions we started to answer:

    Friday October 9th 2015

                              Ashleigh Hall


    1.Who was Ashleigh Hall?

    2.How old was she?

    3.What happened to her?Explain in your own words.

    4. Give your opinion about her story.

     We will correct them on Tuesday.


    Homework for Tuesday 13/10

    -Ecrire 10 phrases pour résumer vos habitudes quand vous êtes sur Internet à partir des résultats de l'enquête.(sur feuille, à me rendre).

    -Finir la recherche sur Ashleigh Hall et répondre à toutes les questions.

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  • Hello!


    Last lessons we worked on the dangers of internet and social networks in particular.

    You started a research about Ashleigh Hall, here are the questions you were supposed to answer:


    Friday October 9th 2015

                              Ashleigh Hall


    1.Who was Ashleigh Hall?

    2.How old was she?

    3.What happened to her?Explain in your own words.

    4. Give your opinion about her story.


    For Tuesday13/10:

    -Répondre aux questions (finir la recherche)

    Revoir la leçon précédente.


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  • Hello!


    Last lesson, we worked on your final portaits.

    You all took a tablet and you will finish working on your videos at home.



    For Monday 12/10: Finir son portrait chinois (brouillon).

    Rapporter sa tablette!!

    Il n'y aura pas cours le vendredi 16/10 car je serai en accompagnement de sortie.


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  • Hello!


    La semaine dernière nous avons continué à apprendre davantage de nombres en anglais et nous avons commencé à travailler sur les pays et les nationalités.

    Nous avons rempli la page 10 du workbook et regardé une nouvelle vidéo du British Bunch! (DVD Book 1, lesson 2, vidéos).


    Homework for Monday 12/10:

    Evaluation sur les nombres (voir la chanson).

    Réviser la page 10 du WB

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