• Hi guys!

    I hope you're having a good time!

    Here's a new game to learn vocabulary from the lesson:

    See you soon!

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  • Hi!

    Today we talked about School life again and you quizzed your friends about new vocabulary.

    Here's the list of new vocabulary: a coat, a tissue, put on, switch on the lights, the board, step aside.


    On peut employer l’auxiliaire CAN dans les questions pour demander une permission ou un service.

    CAN’T ici permet d’insister sur l’incapacité.

    COULD est aussi un auxiliaire, il permet d’être plus poli en demandant un service ou une permission.


    Homework for Monday, November 2nd:

    - Revoir TOUTE la leçon 2.

    - Réécouter School life Sketches ICI.





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  • Hi guys!

    Today we worked on School Life.

    Here's the lesson:

    Monday, October 12th (the twelfth)

    1.  Atishoo! Can someone give me a tissue, please?

    2.   I’m hot! Could you open the window, please?

    3.  I’m cold… Can I put on my coat?

    4.  I have a stomach ache. Can I go to the nurse, please?

    5.  I can’t see the board. Could you step aside Miss?

    6.   I have a headache. Can I go to the nurse please?

    7.  I’m very thirsty. Can I go to the toilet, please?

    8.  I can’t see the board. Can you switch on the lights?

    9.  I don’t understand. Can you repeat, please?

    Atishoo! > Bless you!

    Homework for Tuesday 13th:

    Apprendre leçon et réécouter audio ICI.

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  • Hello!

    Today, you had a quick test and we did an exercise about possession in your copybook.

    Homework for Monday 12th:

    Être capable de refaire cette exercice sans le cahier.


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