• Hello!

    Today, you told me what you did during Christmas holidays.

    Then, we listened and corrected the song "When will my life begin?" and we did a karaoke, here: lyricstraining.com

    Homework for Thursday 7th: réviser toute la leçon sur Rapunzel en vue du test de LUNDI 11 JANVIER.

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  • Hello!

    Today, you talked about what you did during Christmas holidays.

    Here's a quick recap about preterit:

    Monday, January 4th

    Homework for Tuesday 5th: apprendre la leçon et terminer l'exercice de 10 phrases.

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  • Hello!

    Today, we talked about YOUR wishes and then we did a crisscross. You did a good job!


    I would like to live in London!

    I would like to have a big house!

    I would like to have many animals.

    I would like to become a famous singer.

    I would like to open a bakery.

    I would like to become a freestyler!

    I would like to go to Canada.

    I would like to participate to the Voice!

    Homework for Monday 4th: completer la chanson à trous (à télécharger ICI) en allant l’écouter sur le blog et revoir l’ensemble de la leçon sur Rapunzel. > Test mardi ou jeudi.


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  • Hello,

    Today we classified Rapunzel's activities in a chart and then you told me about her dreams for the future! 

    Tuesday, December 5th

    Rapunzel’s dreams for the future


    Rapunzel dreams of seeing her family.

    She wants to get married.

    She wants to go outside.

    She would like to have babies.

    She would like to see the lights!

    She would like to meet nice people.

    She would like to become a Queen!

    She would like to find her family again.

    She wouldn’t like to be the daughter of her fake mother.

    Pour parler d’un souhait : WOULD LIKE TO + BV.

    Ex: I would like to be on vacations!

    Homework for Thursday 17th : revoir les activités de Rapunzel dans tableau + être capable de donner de 3 souhaits de Rapunzel.

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  • Hello!

    Today, you worked on this worksheet to recap all Rapunzel activities:


    Homework for Tuesday, 15th:

    Apprendre le paragraphe 3.

    Regarder la vidéo et renuméroter les images de la fiche dans l’ordre.

    Apprendre les différentes actions de Rapunzel (fiche entière).

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