• Hi guys,

    today we continued talking about the Halloween song. Here is what you said:

    - The music makes me scared.
    - It reminds me of Michael Jackson.

    In the song, the ghost goes to the top of the tower.
                        he can hide, slide, fly, and move like shadows.
    To fight the ghost, you must be brave and well-prepared. 
                                  you mustn't be scared. 



    - apprendre la leçon PAR COEUR! = test de début d'heure à l'écrit.
    - pour bien l'apprendre, pensez à repérer les syllabes qui se prononcent de la même façon (les rimes).


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  • Hi,

    today we worked on the very beginning of a Halloween song. You had to say how you felt when you heard the song. Here is what you said:

    The music makes me feel scared.

    Emotions / feelings:

    I feel happy when it's my birthday.
    I'm tired when I wake up early.
    I feel hungry when I can't eat in the morning.
    I feel suprised when Paris wins a soccer game.
    I feel scared when I watch a horror film / when someone says "boo".


    early / late
    wake up



    - apprendre la leçon.
    - devoir écrit SYSTEMATIQUE sur la leçon précédente voire LES leçons précédentes. Vous DEVEZ apprendre ces leçons PAR COEUR et SANS ERREUR!

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  • Hi guys,

    today we continued talking about the video with Jimmy Kimmel and Halloween.

    You can watch it again here:


    Here is what you said:


    I told my kids I ate all their Halloween candy



    - Recopier la leçon dans son cahier.
    - Corriger son devoir (rendu aujourd'hui)

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  • Hi guys,

    we started to study a new video with kids who are crying... :s

    But where is it? When is it? Why are they crying...? You tried to find some answers. Here is what you said so far (not in the copybooks yet):

    The children are very angry and surprised because they are hungry; they want candy.
    They are crying.
    The kids insult their parents; for example, they said: "You're ugly! You're sneaky!"
    Maybe it's Halloween. On Halloween you make pranks / jokes in houses [ziz].
    In the video, the parents play with their children.



    - revoir la vidéo et se préparer à dire des choses en anglais sur la situation. Pourquoi ne pas recopier la leçon dans son cahier puisque nous n'avons pas eu le temps de la faire en classe?

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  • Hi guys,

    today we continued the lesson about classroom English (how to speak English ONLY in the classroom).

    I tested some of you at the beginning of the class and then you had to try and imagine what you could say in some situations.

    Classroom English (final lessons)



    - test de bilan des leçons depuis le début de l'année = être capable de donner les règles de la classe en anglais.
    - remplir la feuille avec les vignettes au crayon à papier en essayant de se rappeler les expressions en anglais correspondant aux situations dans les vignettes (ex: I don't understand -> Could you repeat, please? ...)

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