• Hi guys,

    today we worked on a new document: a poem by Jack Prelutsky.

    Vocab: a verse / a stanza / a rhyme - to rhyme  / the rhythm

    Here is the text with missing words... will you write them correctly again?




    - apprendre par coeur le poème.
    - refaire les activités faites en classe (et plus?!) pour bien fixer le nouveau vocabulaire et oublier le moins possible de choses pendant les vacances. Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous.



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  • Hi guys,

    today we made a recap of what you should know about Halloween.

    Here is what you said:

    Halloween traditions:

    It's celebrated on Oct. 31st (thirty-first).
    It's a religious and a medieval tradition.
    Families of evil spirits come to scare people.
    The bonfires and the jack'o'lanterns were to scare the spirits.
    A jack'o'lantern is a carved pumpkin with a candle inside.
    People wear a mask or a costume to be friends with the spirits.
    People ate soul cakes to protect against witches.



    - apprendre la leçon = être capable de parler de la tradition d'Halloween.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we went to the computer room.

    You had to complete the webquest below and write the correct answers with the question in your notebook:



    - finir la webquest si vous ne l'avez pas encore fait et écrire les questions ET toutes les bonnes réponses (des 4 parties) dans votre cahier.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we completed the lyrics of the song and you had to work on pronunciation. Here is a fill in the blanks exercise that you can do to remember the correct spelling of words:

     You also had to complete a wordsearch for the new vocabulary:

    Song (pronunciation and vocabulary)




    - finir le "word search" (mots mêlés). Vous devez trouver les 19 mots / expressions du vocabulaire à apprendre par coeur.

    Song (pronunciation and vocabulary)

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  • Hi guys,

    today we finished speaking about the song "there's a ghost".

    At the end of the class, you had to fill in this worksheet:



    - terminer la fiche en entier.
    - cours de rattrapage demain mardi 07/10/14 de 15h30 à 16h30

    - Facultatif: faire l'exercice ci-dessous (compléter les paroles de la chanson):

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