• Hi guys,

    today we finished talking about Rapunzel.

    You could complete vocabulary exercises to remember the new words of the lesson:


    Then we worked on grammar and phonetics:



    - préparez-vous pour le contrôle de fin de séquence (mardi).

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  • Hi guys,

    today we worked on creating the perfect rap (or "chant") for Rapunzel's routine. Here is what you finally came up with:

    Rapunzel’s rap!

    What does she do every day?
    What does she do?
    What does she do?
    What does she do every day?

    She knits and does paper maché.
    She does puzzles and sews a dress.

    What does she do?
    She does pottery.

    What does she do?
    She plays the guitar

    What does she do?
    She does the chores.
    She does the chores every day.



    - bien apprendre ses leçons sur Rapunzel.
    - vous pouvez vous avancer sur la fin de la séquence en essayant de faire les mots croisés de la dernière fiche de travail.

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  • Hi guys,

    today after singing with Rapunzel, we spoke about her dreams for the future. Here is what we said:

    She dreams of going out to see the lights for her birthday.
    She wants her mother to be less strict.
    She dreams to stop her chores.
    She would like to start a new life.
    She doesn't want to repeat the same games every day.
    She dreams of having a real friend because she is fed up.

    -> NB: dans la chanson, WILL ou la contraction 'LL font référence à un événement futur.

    Finally we started a new activity with a jazz chant about your everyday routine.
    You will have to imagine a similar jazz chant but for Rapunzel!



    - bien apprendre les leçons sur Rapunzel (test?)

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  • Hi guys,

    today you first recorded your telephone conversation (invitation to a Halloween party). Then we finished working on Rapunzel's song.

    We completed the lyrics in your notebooks.

    Here is the song again:



    - regarder la chanson à nouveau et s'entraîner à chanter / dire les paroles avec le bon accent!
    - mémoriser le nouveau vocabulaire.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we talked more about Rapunzel. Here is what we said about her hair:

    Rapunzel's hair:

    In the video, when Rapunzel is singing, her hair is magical.
    Her hair can heal.
    Her hair can become bright.
    Her hair can make you young.

    Rapunzel's activities:



    - finir de remplir le tableau de 4 colonnes (games, hobbies, ...) avec les mots de vocabulaire vu en classe.
    - refaites l'exercice ci-dessus (puzzle) pour ne pas vous tromper.

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