

    The Lorax in the forest

    The document is a screenshot from the animated movie “The Lorax”.

    In the middle, there is the Lorax, a strange orange pet.

    He has big green eyes, a thick yellow moustache and thick yellow eyebrows. His body is hairy.

    In the background, at the top, there is a river and there is a small path in the corner.

    At the bottom, there are many flowers.

    Behind the Lorax, there are many trees.

    On the right, there is a tree stump.

    The Lorax is pointing at the stump and I think he’s saying: “Oh my God, who cut the tree?”


    IN the middle, IN the corner, IN the background, IN the foreground.

    AT the top, AT the bottom

    ON the left, ON the right

    Homework for Monday 27th:

    être capable de présenter la première image du Lorax.

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  • Hello,

    Today, you had your oral test on a restaurant situation.

    Then, you described the first document of Sequence 6: THE LORAX.

    Tuesday, May 21st

    No homework.


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  • Hello,

    Today, you prepared your final task.

    Homework for Tuesday 21st:

    - être prêt.e à jouer sa scène au restaurant.

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  • Hello,

    Today, you had a test on Sequence 5.

    Homework for Monday 20th:

    - pour les absent.e.s, être prêt.e pour passer l'évaluation.

    - avoir commencer sa saynète au restaurant au brouillon que nous finirons dans l'heure.

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  • Hello,

    Today, you listened again to the conversation at the restaurant and learnt new ways to ask questions in a restaurant for the waiter/waitress and the customers.

    Then, I explained the final task.

    Homework for Thursday 16th:

    TEST Sequence 5: At the restaurant

    - être capable de parler du menu Route 66 Diner et de comprendre un autre menu du même type.

    - être capable d'écrire une courte conversation dans un restaurant.

    Homework for Monday 20th:

    - avoir rédiger le brouillon de sa tâche finale en groupe.

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