-> Test everytime you have class now...

    Today we talked about what you knew of Australia.



    - remplir la fiche distribuée aujourd'hui (Discover Australia - recto / verso)
    - test de verbes irréguliers à chaque cours.

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    Ben's personality and experiences + exercises

    Ben's personality and experiences + exercises


    - bien connaître les verbes irréguliers vus en cours (surlignés dans la liste)
    - savoir parler de Ben et développer les 4 points forts de son CV.
    - savoir conjuguer un verbe au present perfect et utiliser les structures vues en cours (already / never / not ... yet)
    - réviser et refaire les exercices faits en cours.

    -> Devoir récapitulatif

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  • Montague was a barrister so maybe he used a broken bottle.
    He committed suicide.

    George was a barber so maybe he used a razor.
    He was preparing a potion for his wife.

    Mary was a midwife so maybe she used a scalpel.
    She was working at the hospital.

    Aaron was a hairdresser so maybe he used a razor or scissors.
    He was drinking beer at the Ten Bells.

    John was a bootmaker so maybe he used a knife.
    He was watching a fire on the docks.

    Albert was prince so maybe he used a sword.
    He was sleeping in his castle.

    Francis was a doctor so maybe he used a scalpel.
    He was showing his collection of female organs to his friends...



    - connaître les alibis de chaque suspect (savoir conjuguer ses verbes correctement au passé et connaître le vocabulaire métier / armes)
    - devoir de compréhension de l'oral = APPORTER SES ECOUTEURS!

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  • Hi guys,

    today you could interrogate the suspects from the case. I impersonated them all and you had to listen carefully, take notes, cross-examine them and think... we'll share your findings to the class next time... until then... good thinking!



    - préparer une série de questions complètes que l'on peut poser à un témoin pour vérifier son témoignage (identité, alibi, ...)

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  • Hi guys,

    today we finished listening to the altered testimony of George Hutchinson.
    Here is what you we wrote:

    Creating a Story (3)



    - s'entraîner à dire le témoignage en entier.

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