• Hi guys,

    we've spent two lessons so far preparing the re-enactment of Anne Boleyn's trial in groups.

    Here is the final text that you will need to learn by the end of next week:



    - apprendre son texte (le personnage choisi au sein de votre groupe) = connaître par coeur et préparer son rôle (jeu du corps, ton de voix, déplacement, ...)

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  • -> The song is a parody. The lyrics / The words are changed and there are many jokes.

    Henry VIII didn't execute his last wife. She died / passed away one year after him.
    He was crual and he chopped the head of two wives.
    His wives had a horrible destiny / horrible fate.



    - connaître le destin des femmes d'Henry VIII et l'analyse de la parodie.

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  • Wife # 2: They married because they wanted a male heir but Anne didn't have a son. She had* a daughter. Henry said* she flirted with another man. She was* executed / beheaded.

    Wife # 3: They married to have an heir. His wife had* a son but she died after childbirth.

    Wife # 4: They married because she was* beautiful in her portrait. But in reality, she looked like a horse. She was* ugly and they divorced.

    Wife # 5: idem #2 (she flirted with other men so she was* executed)

    Wife # 6: Henry was* sick so his wife was* more a nurse for him.



    - connaître le destin des 6 femmes d'Henry VIII.
    - ré-écouter et comprendre les paroles de la chanson étudiée en cours.
    - apporter ses écouteurs!

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  • Henry VIII was king of England in the 1500's (fifteen hundreds).
    He was* famous because he created the Church of England and he had* 6 wives.
    He beheaded 2. He divorced 2. One died after childbirth. One survived.

    Wife #1: Catherine of Aragon
    They married because Henry wanted to expand his kingdom (she was Spanish) and he wanted a male heir.
    They divorced because Catherine had* a daughter... she didn't have a son.



    - apprendre par coeur la leçon + apporter ses écouteurs!

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  • Hi guys,

    today finished talking about your presentations.



    - bien apprendre la correction des questions que l'on peut poser pour des biographies.

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