• Hi guys,

    today we started to study the music video of the song "Galway Girl" by Ed Sheeran.

    Here is what you said:

    The document is a music video by Ed Sheeran. It is about a singer who met a girl in Galway.

    Galway is a city in the midwest of Ireland. It is the 5th largest city in the country.

    Ed Sheeran gave* a concert and he went* to a pub.
    He ordered Guinness, the most famous beer in Ireland. He celebrated his concert with his fans, he drank*, he partied, he signed autographs. A girl flirted with him and they danced.


    The most popular and the most famous things in Ireland are...:

    - people with red hair.
    - the colour green.
    - at a pub, you can order Irish beer (Guinness!) or Irish whisky.



    - apprendre la leçon = savoir parler du début de l'histoire dans le clip vidéo et situer Galway.


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  • 50.000 (fifty thousand) fans were* at the Garden of Meditation in Memphis, where Elvis rests with his family. Many people organized a vigil, several concerts, and gatherings around the world.
    The daughter of Elvis posted some photos on social media. She said* the ceremony was* remarkable.



    - apprendre PAR CŒUR la leçon. Si une personne interrogée ne la sait pas, vous serez interrogés à l'écrit...!

    - apporter ses écouteurs (A TOUS LES COURS).
    - corriger le devoir sur les vacances (à rendre sur feuille).

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  • Elvis' anniversaryThe document is a newspaper article from the internet about Elvis Presley.
    50.000 (fifty thousand) fans celebrated the anniversary of his disappearance / his death. He died 40 (forty) years ago in Memphis in the USA.


    1- a picture
    2- a caption
    3- the source (the internet, social media, a blog, a website, a newspaper, ...)
    4- the headline
    5- the date of publication
    6- the paragraphs



    - apprendre par cœur la synthèse de l'article sur Elvis + le vocabulaire d'un article de journal. 


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  • Homework:

    * Refaire les mots croisés et apprendre le nouveau vocabulaire
    * Faire le jeu d'association de la prononciation du ED
    * Connaître ses verbes irréguliers (cf. dictée à faire en ligne)

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  • Hi guys,

    today we completed the last articles from your worksheet.

    At the end of the class, you had the opportunity to start a crosswords puzzle. You can do it again here:



    - être capable de parler d'au moins 3 news de l'été sans s'arrêter et sans hésitation.
    - refaire les mots croisés et apprendre le nouveau vocabulaire.

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