• Hi,

    Today you had a final test on Lesson 3.

    No homework.

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  • Hi there!

    Today, you talked about Michelle Obama's ad campaign and then we worked on the American accent.

    Homework for Monday 30th:

    EVALUATION: voir fiche de révisions.

    S'entraîner à lire le script de la vidéo avec l'accent américain en écoutant la vidéo (elle est juste en dessous!)



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  •  Hi there!

    Today, you did a good job with Michelle Obama's video!

    Here's the lesson:


    Let’s move!


    This video is an ad campaign from let’s move.gov. Michelle Obama encourages people to do activities outside. The targets are kids and their parents.

    Kids should participate in 60 minutes of activity a day, to grow up healthy. It boosts concentration and creativity.

    Michelle Obama gives a list of advice:

    -          People should explore America’s great outdoors.

    -          People should get out and get active.

    -          Kids should play tag or capture the flag.

    -          They should go hiking on a mountain trail, catch an early morning wave (= windsurf), paddle around a lake, bike around the neighbourhood.

    People should grab a bag and get moving outside with their family!

    Homework for Thursday 26th : être capable de présenter la vidéo de Michelle Obama, et de donner au moins 3 conseils.


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  • Hello!

    Today, you were very slow and boring...

    Here's the lesson:

    Michelle Obama’s pieces of advice – PART 2


    People shouldn’t sit during TV commercials, they should move, they should do something.

    People should clean their house more often to be more active.

    People should watch TV less.

     People should celebrate special occasions with activities; they should play Frisbee, volleyball, they should go hiking.

    After a meal, people should walk around the block (= the neighbourhood), they shouldn’t stay at home and play video games.

    Homework for Tuesday 24th: être capable de donner des conseils sur la santé et le sport (au moins 4)


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  • Hi,

    Today, we talked about Michelle Obama's ad campain.


    Thursday, November 19th (the nineteenth)

    Let’s move

    This document is an ad campaign from the U.S.A government. It’s about sports and health. The targets are kids and their parents.

    In the logo, there is a caption: “let’s move”. There is an apple and there is a kid jumping on the right. At the bottom, there is a ball, so maybe he’s playing a ball game.  There is also a website: letsmove.com (. = dot).

    Kids shouldn’t have a TV in their bedrooms.

    People should go to the park.

    People should take the stairs instead of the elevator.


    Homework for Monday 24th: apprendre la leçon et faire signer son évaluation orale trimestrielle.

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