• Hi,

    Today, you asked questions to the witness and we listened to an altered recording of his testimony to try to find more information.

    Interrogating the witness

    What time did you see them? What time was it?

    I saw* them at 2:00 a.m. on the 9th.

    Did you see any evidence?

    No, I didn’t.

    Where did they go?

    They went* into Dorset street.

    Were they close?

    I don’t really know.

    What was he wearing? How was he like?

    I couldn’t see.

    Do you think he was really the killer?

    Yes, maybe he was.

    Where did you see them?

    I saw them in the street.

    What were they doing?

    They were drinking.

    Did you see a weapon / a knife in his hand?

    I’m not sure, but the man was carrying a small parcel in his left hand.

    Did you know the victim?

    Yes, I did.

    Homework for Monday 8th: apprendre les questions posées au témoin et aller sur le blog pour recopier les réponses. Revoir l’ensemble du témoignage jusqu’ici.

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  • Hi there!

    Today, you discovered the beginning of George Hutchinson's testimony. You had to listen, read and memorize it.

    Lesson 5: George Hutchinson's testimony

    Tuesday, February 2nd

    Homework for Thursday 4th: apprendre ce début du témoignage et l'écouter pour bien prononcer.

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  • Hello,

    Today, you worked on the victims profiles.


    Victims’ profiles

    What are their common points?

    All the victims were prostitutes.

    They were all killed late at night in Whitechapel.

    They were all stabbed (killed with a knife).

    Activities before the murders

    They were coming home with a man.

    They were walking in the street.

    They were drinking.

    They were working.

    Homework for Tuesday 2nd: apprendre la leçon et préparer le profil de sa victime (en faisant des phrases) sur feuille (aller sur le site de la carte en cliquant ICI) 


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  • Hi there!

    Today, you had a Quick Test (picture description) and then you worked on Jack the Ripper's victims.

    Thursday, January 28th

    Next time, we will recap all the information you gathered on these women.

    Homework for Monday 1st: être capable de parler de la victime sur laquelle vous avez trouvé des informations.

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  • Hi there!

    Today, we did an oral recap about what you know about Whitechapel district and then we tried to answer this question:

    Why was this case difficult for the police?

    1. The victims had no family so nobody called the police.
    2. The crimes happened in the street at night so people couldn’t see. There was no witness!
    3. The streets were dirty, there was no sanitation and there was a lot of smoke so there was no evidence, no clues.
    4. The victims were all female prostitutes so they were not strong, they were vulnerable and nobody cared.  
    5. They were drunk so they couldn’t defend themselves.
    6. The neighbourhood was over crowded so if they called for help and screamed, nobody heard them! 

    Homework for Thursday 28th: apprendre la leçon et tout revoir sur Whitechapel en vue du FLASH TEST

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