• Hello!

    Today, you had a flashtest. 

    Then, we started working on the qualities you need to be a good receptionnist, a good waiter and a good teacher. You wrote and explained all the vocabulary.


    Homework for Monday 26/01: Trouver 5 qualités qui définissent un bon avocat, journaliste, infirmier/ère.

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  • Hello everyone!

    Today, we corrected the exercise about jobs, here is what you found:


     taxi driver

    a lorry driver

    a firefighter






     policeman/ police agent

    a vet

     a hairdresser

     a cook/ a chef...


    Homework for 20/01: bien réviser le vocabulaire.


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  • Hello!


    Here is today's lesson:


    Tuesday, January (the sixth) 2015




    Part-time jobs for teenagers (worksheet)






    -a part-time job= un travail à temps partiel


    -a full-time job= un travail à temps plein.


    -a teenager= un adolescent.






    • How long can a teenager work during school weeks in the USA?


    -A teenager can work up to three hours a day or 16 hours a week during school weeks.


    -During non-school weeks, teenagers can work up to 8 hours every day, or 40 hours a week.






    Kelly's message:


    Kelly has a problem: she has found a job at a pizza place and her father agrees with her (= he is okay/he accepts), but her mother disagrees (= she refuses). Kelly's mother thinks that she needs time for her homework and that family time is more important than money!


    Kelly is sad and desperate because she needs money to be independent!




    • Give your opinion: Do you agree with Kelly's parents? Explain, use the following expressions:


    -I agree with her father....


    -I am okay with his opinion


    -I'm all for it!




    -I (totally)disagree /absolutely not! /I can't say I agree with..


    Homework for Thursday 08/01: écrire 5 à 10 lignes pour répondre à Kelly. Donner son opinion vis à vis des 2 parents.

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  • Hello everyone!

    Today, we talked about you work experience (=stages). You said where you worked and tried to explain what you did and wether it was interesting or not.

    Here is what we wrote:






    -Where was your work experience (=un stage)?

    I worked in a ... /at a.../with...


    → a florist


    →a cybershop.


    →a travel agency


    →a restaurant


    → an insurance company


    → at the « maison du rhône »


    → a clothes shop


    → a garage


    → a nurse's office


    → a library


    → a plumber


    → a transport firm


    → an optician


    → a supermarket


    → a driving school.

    Most of you enjoyed what they did, some of you got paid!

    No homework for Tuesday

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  • Hello everyone!


    Today you presented the final task.

    Most of you didn't do it seriously... it's a shame!



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