• Hello!


    As I was absent on Monday, we finished all articles in the first part of the lesson.

    You will have them back next week.

    Then, we worked on irregular verbs online. Diogo scored 100%: congratulations!




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  • Hello!


    Today, we went to the IT room to finish and print your article.

    Most of you had a first version ready and added some photos. Others didn't do their homework: too bad!

    We almost finished the final version of your article.


    Homework: Finish your article: they will all be printed on Monday...

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  • hi guys!


    Today, we worked on a newspaper article. We explained what you need to include and this is what we said:




    Tuesday, September 23rd (the twenty-third) 2014





    How to write a newspaper article.






    1. You need a leading sentence to grab (=catch) the reader's attention (=a summary of your event).

    2. You need to give information/details about your topic. (=theme)

    3. You can add your sources, a testimony or interviews....

    4. Never give your personal opinion!/don't criticize/Be objective!

    5. Conclude: recap the main facts.

    6. Find a headline (= a title), include your pictures, add a caption.


    Everybody came with an idea and you worked quite well!

    We had original and funny stories!




    Homework: Finish your article for Thursday 25/09.

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  • Hello!


    Today, we finished working on our summer review and we started to prepare our final task: writing a newspaper article.


    Homework: Find a topic (and ideas!) about your future article.(Trouver un thème et des idées pour son article. Il peut être sur des faits réels ou imaginaires).

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  • Hello everyone!

    Today, we corrected the flash test.

    We also finished the first worksheet on august and discussed the events.



    Homework: Finir la fiche 2. réviser la fiche 1

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