• Hello everyone,

    Today, we revised some events (from your worksheet), then we corrected your test: only Bilel and Islem had good marks... You know everybody can as well... you just need to revise regularly!

    We started the 2nd worksheet about August.


    HOMEWORK for Monday 22/09: Réviser les événements du mois d'aout et terminer la seconde fiche.

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  • Hello everyone,


    On Monday, you had a flash test on the first two worksheets (July).


    On Tuesday, we completed a worksheet about what happened in August...

    Here it is:


    Homework for Thursday 18/09: Write 2 short biographies with the elements you have on worksheet 2.

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  • Hello everyone!


    Today we finished the 2nd worksheet about July and we discussed other events. 13 years ago, ON September the eleventh,  the twin towers were destroyed by a terrorist attack. Ismail thinks it's a conspiracy led by the American government but most of you didn't agree...


    You also listened to 4 documents and explained what they were about. Some of you used all the new vocabulary: well done! Here is what you said:


    1.Lauren Bacall, an American actress passed away (=died) at the age of 89.

    2. The European championship took place  in Zurich (Switzerland).

    3. President Obama was nominated for the ice bucket challenge. He refused to do it but he gave an enormous amount (=sum) of money to the charity. (=it's a humanitarian association)


    Homework for Monday 15/09 : réviser les 2 fiches et la leçon du jour (= au dessus en bleu!)





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  • Hello everyone,


    Today, we finished our paragraph about Nadine Gordimer and we worked on the past tense.

    Congratulations to Bilel for his knowledge on all the subjects! Learning your lessons regularly will help you a lot for the final task!


    Homework for Thursday: revise worksheet 1 and finish worksheet 2

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  • Hello everyone,


    Today, we discussed what happened last summer, you had to complete 5 paragraphs about different events.


    Some of you remembered everything very well, congratulations! Some of you need to pay attention when the others are talking: it can be very useful to complete your work!


    Here are the documents we worked on:


    Homework: Pour mardi matin. Finir la page 1 et faire les exercices a et b de la page 2.

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