• Hi guys,

    today we listened to the 2nd job interview and here is what you said about it:

    He is very impolite / rude and he has a coarse accent.
    He bad reactions, bad questions, and bad answers.

    He says: "Oh my God!" when he hears the time to start the job.
    He laughs when he hears the salary. He thinks it's a joke.

    He has never worked in a supermarket before. He has already delivered newspapers but he doesn't say it to his advantage.

    -> The manager is shocked because he talks as if he were with his friends.


    - do paper rounds

    Grammar: Experience



    - être capable de dire, si vous étiez le manager, quel candidat vous prendriez et pourquoi (quels sont les défauts et les qualités de chacun?)

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  • Hey,

    today we continued working on the topic: "jobs".

    Here is what we wrote:

    Experience, job description, and salary



    - connaître la leçon par coeur... Vu le comportement de beaucoup aujourd'hui, ne vous étonnez pas d'avoir un flashtest..........?

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  • Hi guys,

    today you first took your test about Chris:


    Here is the correction for exercise f. The rest of the correction can be found in your notebooks: 

    At the end of the day, Chris feels delighted because he is proud. However, he is exhausted because the job is difficult and he had to carry heavy newspapers and he worked at night. He is a little disappointed because his father gives him only $25. However, he can work again and save up


    Then we continued the lesson with a new document about a job interview at a supermarket. You can listen to again below: 




    - réécouter le document pour bien se préparer à en parler dès le début de l'heure.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we first corrected the sentences you had to make about Chris and the episode.

    Chris has a leather jacket. However it's too late; it's not the season anymore.
    Chris didn't have a good relationship with his father. However after working with him, he did.
    He wants a leather jacket. However he has no money.
    Chris asks only $50 for a leather jacket. However it's a good jacket because it's on sale. It's cheap.
    Chris wants to spend money on a leather jacket. However his father doesn't.
    Chris doesn't have money for the jacket. However he can work and save up.
    He likes working with his father. However he thinks it's too hard.
    He shows off with his jacket. However he doesn't look cool and he doesn't impress girls.


    Finally, we worked on a vocabulary and grammar recap:



    - devoir de séquence sur Chris (histoire, vocabulaire, grammaire)

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  • Hey,

    today we finished talking about Chris, his leather jacket and his job. We saw what the positive and negative aspects of his job were and we wrote a lesson about it.

    Remember! HOWEVER = sert à opposer deux paragraphes aux idées complémentaires = l'équivalent de POURTANT en français.



    - écrire 5 phrases supplémentaires pour terminer la leçon avec HOWEVER; elles devront toutes parler bien sûr de la situation de Chris (= recap de ce qui a été dit en cours).

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