• Hey,

    today we tried to analyse the painting a bit better.

    Here is what you have to copy in your notebooks:

    9 Marilyn (final classes)

    9 Marilyn (final classes)_____________________________________


    - écrire la leçon dans le cahier...

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  • Hi guys,

    today we continued the presentation of Andy Warhol's 9 Marilyn.

    Here is what we finally said:

    9 Marilyn - presentation and description



    - être capable de présenter le tableau et d'en commencer la description.

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  • Hi guys,

    We continued the lesson with studying some portraits he made about Marilyn Monroe entitled: "9 Marilyn".

    Andy Warhol (test) + 9 Marilyn

    Here are some notes you took:

    There is a pattern in the colours used =

    eyelids -> background
    jacket -> lips

    Some portraits are blurred while others are clear.

    Technique = silk-screen printing



    - être capable de parler de la vie d'Andy Warhol / parler du tableau dont nous avons commencé l'étude.
    - préparez-vous à un test sur la vie d'Andy Warhol (vendredi?)

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  • Hi guys,

    today we worked on the recap of Andy Warhol's biography.

    Here is what we said:

    He used ink, tracing paper and paintbrushes.
    His technique is called "silk-screen printing".
    His mom created his signature. She had a big influence.

    At first, he designed commercials and when he created the Factory, he did "serious art" with everyday life objects (soup cans, soda bottles, ...).
    He belonged to the "pop art" movement. He used popular people and popular objects for his works of art.
    For him, everyone (and everything) should have 15 minutes of fame.



    - apprendre les éléments de biographie enseigné sur Andy Warhol.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we went to the computer room and you could play the following game:

    Play the Game about Andy Warhol's biography

    You had to compete two worksheets about his life.



    - avoir complété sa fiche (A ou B) et être capable de faire au moins 10 phrases à l'écrit et à l'oral sur la vie d'Andy Warhol.

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