• 2nd candidate: Adam

    Hi guys,

    today we listened to the 2nd job interview and here is what you said about it:

    He is very impolite / rude and he has a coarse accent.
    He bad reactions, bad questions, and bad answers.

    He says: "Oh my God!" when he hears the time to start the job.
    He laughs when he hears the salary. He thinks it's a joke.

    He has never worked in a supermarket before. He has already delivered newspapers but he doesn't say it to his advantage.

    -> The manager is shocked because he talks as if he were with his friends.


    - do paper rounds

    Grammar: Experience



    - être capable de dire, si vous étiez le manager, quel candidat vous prendriez et pourquoi (quels sont les défauts et les qualités de chacun?)

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