• Hello everyone,

    Today Miss Solins and I helped you talk more about mr Crazy!

    Here is the lesson:


    Thursday, February 7th 2019




    Mr Crazy’s crazy life !




    -Mr Crazy usually eats mouldy carrots for dinner.




    -He always eats mouldy bananas.




    -He always eats rotten apple smoothie.




    -He sometimes has smelly lamb for lunch.




    -He often drinks boiling hot soda !




    Advice for Mr Crazy :


    -He should eat fresh vegetables.


    -He shouldn’t drink boiling hot juice or soda.


    -He should have healthy food everyday.


    -He should eat vegetables for a healthier life.


    -He shouldn’t drink vomit.


    -He shouldn’t eat rotten food.



    For Friday 8/02: Être capable de donner au moins 3 conseils.








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    Today, we finished U3 Re-cycle and the exercises page 52 in your workbook.

    Then, we started a new lesson about A legendary family (U3L1) and you read and listened to the presentations of Dracula's family members.


    Mavis is Martha’s daughter.

    Mavis is her daughter.

    Homework for Monday 11th:

    • relire les textes page 56 du LIVRE

    • TEST sur le génitif et les membres de la famille

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  • Thursday, February 7th


    Rapunzel and her step-mother’s personalities


    Her mother is irritated because she is brushing Rapunzel’s hair but Rapunzel is singing very fast and she is extremely talkative.


    Her mother is old and tired / run down but she is exaggerating.


    Rapunzel is excited and energetic but she is stressed out because she has an important question. So in the picture, she is preparing a chair for her mother.

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    Opposite portraits

    Physical opposition:

    Rapunzel is beautiful and young whereas her stepmother is ugly and old.

    She has extremely long straight blond hair whereas her stepmother has medium long curly black hair.

    She has green eyes and a small nose whereas her stepmother has brown eyes and a long nose.

    Different personalities:

    Rapunzel is extremely shy whereas her stepmother is easy-going.

    The stepmother is lazy because she uses Rapunzel’s hair like an elevator whereas Rapunzel is very hard-working.

    The stepmother is mean, narcissistic and selfish whereas Rapunzel is nice, modest and helpful.

    The stepmother is moody whereas Rapunzel is cheerful.

    Homework for Monday 11th:

    - être capable de donner deux différences physiques et deux différences de personnalités.

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  • Buongiorno ragazzi

    Oggi abbiamo fatto degli esercizi sul futuro. In seguito abbiamo terminato l'attività sugli studi in Italia.

    Infine, vi ho spiegato il progetto: 


    Compiti per lunedì 11/02:

    progetto: à mettre en ligne avant mardi soir ou à rendre papier avant mardi midi dans mon casier. 

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