• Hi guys,

    today we talked about how to express something that you really like.

    Tomorrow, we'll listen to a conversation between a teenager and his mom.

    He is really enthusiastic about his trip "down under".



    - revoir le vocabulaire nouveau et sa prononciation = être capable de parler positivement de qqch.
    - se préparer à la tâche finale (lundi) = vous devrez préparer une vidéo selfie pour postuler à l'un des 6 postes étudiés en cours.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we listened to a conversation between a teenager and his mom.

    He was really enthusiastic about his trip down under.



    - revoir le vocabulaire nouveau et sa prononciation = être capable de parler positivement de qqch.
    - se préparer à la tâche finale (lundi) = vous devrez préparer une vidéo selfie pour postuler à l'un des 6 postes étudiés en cours.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we finished the lesson about Chris and we continued with another loser... Andrea, the character from the movie "Devil Wears Prada" who wants a job in New York at a fashion magazine... but she is turned down... poor Andrea!

    Would like to work for a despising boss like Miranda...?

    You can watch a longer extract here: (mot de passe sur Pronote)

    Devil Wears Prada




    - regarder l'extrait vidéo et être capable de parler de la situation (pourquoi Andrea est une "loser" ou pas).

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  • Hi guys,

    today we worked on food vocabulary and also how to order a menu at the restaurant.

    You played to role of the customer and the waiter / waitress.

    We wrote the lesson in your copybooks.



    - savoir commander un menu (rôle du client / serveur/se)

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  • Ciao ragazzi!

    Oggi, dopo aver interrogato in I.O.(interazione orale), abbiamo analizzato il manifesto "Degusta la riserva". 


    Il documento è un manifesto pubblicitario per una riserva naturale. Si trova a San Vito Lo Capo e a Castellammare del Golfo, due città siciliane.

    La riserva si chiama "Riserva dello Zingaro". Lo slogan è "DEGUSTA LA RISERVA". Nella "E" c'è una forchetta per mangiare e degustare; nella "V" c'è dell'erba. Il messaggio della pubblicità è mangiare i prodotti locali della riserva.

    GRAMMATICA: le "si passivante". Règle et exercices sur photocopie.  

    COMPITI per giovedi' 4 giugno:

    apprendre la trace écrite et le "si passivante"

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