• Ciao ragazzi,

    oggi, dopo aver fatto il compito in classe sul lessico e sulle tracce scritte, abbiamo lavorato sulla forma di cortesia (forme de politesse) : règle et exercices sur photocopie.

    COMPITI per martedi' 9 giugno:

    apprendre la règle de la forme de politesse


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  • Hello!


    Last lesson, we worked on telling the time. Here are lots of exercises to revise your lesson.


    Most of you understood everything very fast, but if you need more practice, you can click here:

    Clique sur le cadran digital qui correspond à l'horloge:


    fun song about AM/PM

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  • Hi guys,

    today we did lots of recap about the month's sequence so that you can prepare your final task alright.

    Here is the worksheet that we completed todaya and that you can use to prepare for Monday.

    And here is your final task worksheet:

    Preparing for your final task



    - préparer la tâche finale (CV en selfie vidéo) en pensant bien aux critères possibles d'évaluation. Soyez créatifs, travailler votre accent, et rappelez-vous bien que vous pouvez apporter des objets pour illustrer votre CV (photos, objets, affiche, ...)

    Vous devrez postuler pour l'un des postes étudiés en cours et dont les vidéo d'appel sont visibles ci-dessous:

    And the job descriptions:

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  • Hi guys,

    today we watched a longer extract from the movie "Devil Wears Prada". We commented on Andrea's job interview and job interviews in general.



    - pensez à la tâche finale (passer un entretien d'embauche en mode "loser" ou en mode "winner").

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  • Hi guys,

    today we finished talking about a teenager and his mom on the phone.

    Here is what you said:

    Jack has lived 6 months in Australia, in Melbourne.
    He thinks Australia is great.
    He has already visited Sydney; it was fantastic.
    It's the most beautiful city he has ever visited.
    The aborigines are very different and Uluru is a gigantic mountain.

    The problem:
    His mother is sleeping whereas he is enthusiastic.
    It's not the same time in Australia and in England. There is a 10-hour time difference.



    - apprendre le nouveau vocabulaire, s'entraîner à bien prononcer surtout les mots en -ic et le mot "most".
    - savoir insister sur une expérience qui vous a particulièrement marquée.

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