• Hi guys,

    today started your presentations about famous dead people. You did a good job but DON'T FORGET how to use the PRETERITE in English!



    - bien apprendre la correction des questions que l'on peut poser pour des biographies.
    - heure de rattrapage demain vendredi 27/11 à 13h30-14h30 salle 216.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we worked on vocabulary (daily activities and routine) with the help of dictionaries when necessary and you had to describe the actions in each of your pictures.

    Remember: "je mets des lunettes au verbe quand je peux voir ou entendre l'action - ing ing ing ing!"

    Conjugaison au présent en BE + ing

    Here is the worksheet we used:



    - connaître le nouveau vocabulaire (action de la vie quotidienne de Rapunzel) et être capable de décrire les actions dans chaque image.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we started a new lesson with the description of a famous hero: "Rapunzel".

    Here is the picture we commented upon:

    Sequence # 4 - Rapunzel, an imaginary fairy tale

    And the video we watched:

    You had to describe the action in your picture and re-organize the "actions puzzle" in class.



    - regarder à nouveau la vidéo (chanson de départ) et essayer de comprendre les paroles.
    - lundi 30/11/15 = rendre son carton d'invitation pour Halloween au propre!

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  • Today we finished talking about "Earth Song" and you wrote some sentences to make a recap.

    Here are some possiblities:



    - Thursday Dec 3rd = computer room
    - Monday Dec 7th = final task -> act your animal emergency call.

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  • Hello !

    Today, we finished to talk about Michelle Obama's tips :

    People should hike on a mountain trail.

    They should paddle around a lake. They should catch an early morning wave.

    People should grab a backpack and get moving outside with their family.


    And then we worked on your American accent!


    Homework for Tuesday 1st:

    - Evaluation finale sur toute la leçon 3 (voir fiche de révisions)

    - S'entraîner à imiter l'accent américain de Michelle Obama avec le script sous les yeux.

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