• Hi guys,

    first we made a recap about Asanda and Saheen's personality. Then we continued talking about Britain's Got Talent with the last candidate: Olivia.


    1- What's your name? What's her name?
    2- How old are you?
    3- What would you like to be in the future? What would you like to do in the future?
    4- What's your talent? What can you do? -> She can say a poem.


    You had to write a little paragraph about her personality and say which character you prefered and why. Nice job!



    - bien connaître ses leçons sur Britain's Got Talent (et le nouveau vocabulaire lié à la personnalité).
    - ceux qui n'ont pas corrigé leur devoir de Rapunzel... c'est ci-dessous à nouveau...

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  • Hi guys,

    today we first worked on speaking about the candidates' personalities and saying who you prefered.

    Here is what you finally said:

    I believe Saheen can sing very well but I prefer Asanda. I prefer her personality.
    She is extremely energetic and easy-going and she can dance very well.
    She is not shaky at all and she doesn't have a stage fright.

    Finally, we corrected your test about Rapunzel.



    - faire la correction complète de son devoir sur Rapunzel (feuille séparée avec TOUS les exercices refaits qu'ils aient été justes ou incorrects = TOUS les exercices doivent être ENTIEREMENT refaits)

    - être capable de parler de la personnalité de quelqu'un et exprimer son opinion.

    - apporter 3 euros (en chèque de préférence) si vous voulez vous inscrire au Big Challenge.

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  • Asanda:

    She believes she's a diva.
    She is very easy-going and extremely talkative.
    She is not hard-working at all. She is lazy because she doesn't do her homework.
    She sings every day.
    They jury is surprised because she is energetic and quite artistic.

    a little
    not ... at all.

    Saheen: ...



    - apprendre la leçon sur Asanda
    - écrire un court paragraphe (5-7 lignes sur la personnalité de Saheen pour le présenter)
    - connaître son nouveau vocabulaire de la personnalité.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we worked on new vocabulary again.

    Here are some worksheets that we studied:

    (worksheet by I. Boresy)



    - bien connaître le nouveau vocabulaire et savoir qualifier sa personnalité ou bien donner son opinion sur celle de quelqu'un.

    - regarder la vidéo d'Asanda et se préparer à dire ce que vous pensez de sa personnalité en anglais.
    What's Asanda like?

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  • Hi guys,

    today we worked on the last extract from Malaki's audition. Here is what you finally said:

    Emotions of Malaki and his mother:

    Malaki and his mother are worried.
    She guesses he will be nervous.
    He thinks he will get a stage fright.
    Maybe he will tremble or get shaky. 

    Then we worked on the vocabulary of emotions thanks to this document (adapted from I. Boresy's work):



    - apprendre par cœur le vocabulaire des émotions pour pouvoir parler de Malaki.

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