• Halloween activities:

    For Halloween, ...

    You can carve a pumpkin.
    You can wear* a costume and have* a party at night.
    You can eat* free candy.
    You can scare children and make* pranks.

    I celebrated Halloween I didn't celebrate Halloween
       I wore a costume
       I carved a pumpkin
       I ate free candy
        I didn't have a party.
        I didn't scare children.
        I didn't make pranks.


    Conjuguer un verbe au passé:
    1- Verbe régulier -> se termine en -ed
    2- Verbe irrégulier -> change de forme (je dois apprendre la liste)
    3- Verbe à la négation -> didn't + verbe sans rien

    Irregular verbs:
    wear -> wore
    have -> had
    make -> made
    eat -> ate
    say -> said

    carve a pumpkin


    - apprendre la leçon par coeur = être capable de dire ce que l'on a fait ou pas pour Halloween.

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    your comment
  • Hi guys,

    today we analysed the video more in details and here is what you said:

    Sequence #3 : Halloween

    Jimmy Kimmel's prank:

    The document is a video about children during Halloween.
    The parents made a challenge / a joke / a prank. They said they ate all the candy. The kids were very angry / mad and sad / devastated.

    The challenge = the parents must...:

    They must...:
    * film the reactions of the children. 
    * post the video to Youtube...


    Les verbes au passé
    - watch -> ed [t]
    - cry -> ed [d]

    - make -> made
    - eat -> ate
    - say -> said
    - be -> was
    (I / et 3ème pers. sing.) / were (you et pluriels)



    - apprendre la leçon ( = savoir parler de la vidéo)

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    your comment
  • Hi guys,

    today you took a test about presentations.




    Then we started to watch this video about... HALLOWEEN! Poor kids... their parents did a bad joke... they said they ate all their candy...! Funny reactions, right?



    - regarder la vidéo à nouveau et être capable de commenter les émotions des enfants.

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    your comment
  • Hi guys,

    today we did some recap over the lessons and you had time to prepare the draft for your letters.

    Recap / exercises and final task preparation

    Recap / exercises and final task preparation



    - rendre sa lettre de présentation aux correspondants anglais et son enveloppe décorées. N'oubliez pas d'inclure des questions (sur les uniformes notamment...) et de parler de votre meilleur(e) ami(e).

    - devoir de fin de séquence (savoir se présenter et présenter qqn, parler des goûts, ...).

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    your comment
  • Hi guys,

    today we played a "mystery game" in which you had to find who was the suspect...

    Here is what you said:

    The suspect is a girl.
    She is 12 (twelve).
    She has 2 sisters but she doesn't have any brothers.
    She doesn't have any pets.
    At school, she loves P.E.
    She enjoys swimming and her favorite TV series is "Teen Wolf". She likes watching TV.
    She doesn't like reading books.

    -> I think... / I'm sure ...


    Recap / exercises and final task preparation



    - être capable de se présenter et de présenter quelqu'un.

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