• Hello!


    Today, you had a flash test on Thursday's lesson.

    Then we worked on questions in English.

    Here is the document we completed together:


    Homework for Tuesday 17/11: Apprendre la fiche récapitulative.

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  • Hello everyone!

    Last Friday, you had a test on social networks, on  Tuesday, you presented your posters about the dangers of internet to the class.


    Today, we continued working on the dabbawalas system.

    Here is your lesson:


    Thursday, November 12th (the twelfth) 2015


    What is a dabbawala ?


    Dabba and dabbawala are Hindi words.

    A dabba is a metal box/tiffin box which contains hot food.

    A dabbawala is the person who transports the box.


    This system is located in Mumbai (the biggest/largest city in India). Everyday, the dabbawala transport the food from the house/home to the office for their customers. There is a code on each dabba : a number/a letter and a specific colour to identify their destination. (A majority of the dabbawalas are illiterate : they can't read or write).


    Homework for Friday13/11 :

    -Apprendre la leçon.

    -Revoir la vidéo 





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  • Hello everyone!


    Today we revised for your test. Most of our revisions were oral.

    Here is what we wrote:


    What should Ashleigh have done ?




    Structure : S+auxiliaire de modalité/modal+base verbale+participe passé…




    Pour dire ce qu'elle aurait dû faire :




    -She should have gone to the meeting with friends.




    -She should have had/asked more information.




    -She should have waited longer to know the man better.




    -She should have met Peter Chapman in a busy/public place.




    -She should have told someone about her meeting.




    Forme négative : S+ should/not+have+ participe passé….




    Pour dire ce qu'elle n'aurait PAS dû faire :




    -She shouldn't have met a stranger without telling her parents.


    -She shouldn't have spoken to a stranger on Facebook/a social network.


    -She shouldn't have fallen in love with a stranger.


    -She shouldn't have lied to her mum about her « boyfriend ».


    -She shouldn't have chosen an evening meeting/rendez-vous.




    Homework for Thursday 05/11: réviser pour l'évaluation.


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  • ello!

    Today we finished preparing your final task and your test.

    We revised everything you said about the song and we corrected your research about Ashleigh Hall.


    *Homework for Tuesday 03/11: Tout réviser pour une évaluation écrite.

    *Homework for Friday 6/11:

    Voici ce que j'attends de vous:

    Préparer un poster sur les dangers d'internet.

    → Vous devrez parler des dangers des réseaux sociaux/ des risques liés aux sites en ligne en s'appuyant sur les leçons, donner des conseils pour s'en protéger et éviter des erreurs qui pourraient mettre les jeunes en danger.
    → Vous devrez penser à inclure un titre à votre affiche et un court texte explicatif.

    Vous rendrez un poster par groupe et serez capable de le présenter à la classe.

    Votre note de groupe sera modulée en fonction de votre présentation en classe.

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  • Hello!

    Last lessons we finished giving your definition of a real friend.

    Then, you completed a survey about your habits.

    Finally, you worked on Asleigh Hall.

    Here are the questions we started to answer:

    Friday October 9th 2015

                              Ashleigh Hall


    1.Who was Ashleigh Hall?

    2.How old was she?

    3.What happened to her?Explain in your own words.

    4. Give your opinion about her story.

     We will correct them on Tuesday.


    Homework for Tuesday 13/10

    -Ecrire 10 phrases pour résumer vos habitudes quand vous êtes sur Internet à partir des résultats de l'enquête.(sur feuille, à me rendre).

    -Finir la recherche sur Ashleigh Hall et répondre à toutes les questions.

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