• What is a dabbawala?

    Hello everyone!

    Last Friday, you had a test on social networks, on  Tuesday, you presented your posters about the dangers of internet to the class.


    Today, we continued working on the dabbawalas system.

    Here is your lesson:


    Thursday, November 12th (the twelfth) 2015


    What is a dabbawala ?


    Dabba and dabbawala are Hindi words.

    A dabba is a metal box/tiffin box which contains hot food.

    A dabbawala is the person who transports the box.


    This system is located in Mumbai (the biggest/largest city in India). Everyday, the dabbawala transport the food from the house/home to the office for their customers. There is a code on each dabba : a number/a letter and a specific colour to identify their destination. (A majority of the dabbawalas are illiterate : they can't read or write).


    Homework for Friday13/11 :

    -Apprendre la leçon.

    -Revoir la vidéo 





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