• Hi guys,

    today we talked about your new year's resolutions and then we commented upon a video.

    Remember how to express the future in English:

     BE + going to + BV (forme contractéé gonna)


    WILL + BV




    - réécrire les 10 résolutions des 10 personnages de la vidéo en suivant les schémas vus en cours.

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  • Hi guys,


    today the recap of the lessons was impossible since you learned almost nothing... It's really annoying that you don't work at all...

    Eventually, we started an activity for you to create a letter sent from Jacob to his family in Russia.

    Here are some useful documents:

    How to write a letter






















    How to write a letter


    Homework: Pour la rentrée Lundi 06/01/14

    - vous devez rédiger la lettre que Jacob écrit à de la famille restée en Russie et qu'il rédige juste après son arrivée sur le sol américain. Dans cette lettre vous devrez parler:
    * de la tragédie en Russie (1 paragraphe)
    * de ses problèmes à Ellis Island (1 paragraphe)
    * de sa joie d'être enfin arrivé à New York (1 paragraphe)
    * de ses sentiments tout au long de la lettre.

    * Vocabulaire imposé = les adjectifs positifs et négatifs vus en cours (tableau) et 10 mots / expressions tirées de la fiche de vocabulaire.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we finished working on Helen's diary. Here are some things we said:

    When Ellis Island was open, 12 million immigrants entered the USA.
    Normally, they stayed on Ellis Island a few hours but they could stay a year if they were sick.
    Helen stayed 3 days. It was an awful / a terrible / a horrid journey.
    She was from Poland.
    She traveled with her family (her father, her mother, and her brother).
    She had an awful journey but she didn't miss Poland. She was delighted and exited to start a new life.


    - apprendre les leçons sur le journal intime d'Helen Meinwald.

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  • Hey,

    today you first took a test.

    1- What happened to Jacob in Russia? (2-3 lines)

    2- What was Ellis Island? (1 sentence)

    3- What happened to Jacob in Ellis Island? (2-3 lines)

    4- What were the feelings of Jacob? (4 adjectives)

    5- Compare the doctor and the inspector. (4-5 sentences)

    6- What's your opinion about Jacob's future? (1 sentence)

    7- Give 5 reasons for immigration to the USA (5 sentences)

    8- Bonus: Compare the opinions of the boys and the girls in the song "America" (2 sentences)

    Then we worked on a new document ( a diary ) :



    - répondre aux questions 1 à 4 du document (partie 1 - Reading)

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  • Hi guys,

    today was dedicated to making a recap of what you knew about Jacob from the video and from the text.

    We also worked on opposing the doctor and the inspector (whereas / while).



    - se préparer à un contrôle de leçon sur: - Jacob 
                                                           - les raisons de l'immigration
                                                           - les oppositions (Jacob + chanson: "America")

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