• Segregation Laws



    - écouter le document étudié en cours à nouveau et écrire 5 nouvelles lois de la ségrégation aux USA dans les années 1960. (crayon à papier dans le cahier).

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  • Examples of laws:

    - Afro-Americans had to drink in separate water fountains.

    - Afro-Americans couldn't sit at the front of the bus.



    - apprendre la leçon par coeur + être capable de parler d'une loi (ségrégation) aux USA. Savoir donner au moins 2 conséquences si on ne respectaient pas ces lois.

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  • Document #1: the demonstration

    There is a demonstration with many people.
    There are many policemen and many journalists.

    People are more than angry = they are furious.

    Maybe it's a political, social, or economic problem.

    I think people are demonstrating for more money and jobs / against a killer.

    The scene is in the past because there are old police cars and old cameras.



    - apprendre la leçon = savoir parler de la vidéo vue en cours et donner son opinion.

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  • The presenter of the TV show is Bear Grylls.
    He jumps with his parachute in an alligator river.
    It's a dangerous tropical forest.
    To survive, he has a knife to protect himself.
    He loves extreme adventure. He plays with his life.
    He's brave and courageous. He's a dare-devil.
    I think he is crazy.

    Bear Grylls says it was* the most frightening experience in his life when he crossed the river. Alligators are very dangerous creatures.

    If I were in his situation, I wouldn't cross the river because I'm not a dare-devil.



    - apprendre la leçon.
    - se préparer à lire avec l'accent américain les phrases corrigées en "be gonna".

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