• He was* trapped in the most remote area in the desert.
    For the 1st 24 hours, Aaron thought* he was* going to die.
    He was* not optimistic = He was* pessimistic.
    He felt* lonely.



    - reporter les verbes irréguliers vus en classe dans le tableau en fin de cahier.
    - apprendre la leçon (interview of Aaron).

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  • Aaron was biking in the desert. He met* two girls but they went* away.
    He fell* in a canyon and a rock fell* on his hand.
    He was* trapped / blocked. He couldn't move.

    He didn't have water or food.
    He couldn't make a fire.
    He was* alone and freezing.
    He couldn't send an S.O.S. or protect from dangerous animals.

    He just had* his courage:
    - He drank* his pee.
    - He cut* his hand.



    - apprendre par cœur l'histoire d'Aaron.

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  • You must believe you can because if you don't believe in yourself, you can't survive.
    You must make a fire because it protects you:
    * you are safe
    * you are warm
    And then you must find water and food.
    If you don't drink, you will die within 3 days.
    If you don't eat, you will die within 3 weeks.



    - apprendre la leçon
    - regarder la vidéo à nouveau et être prêt.e à en parler à l'oral.

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  • You must find food and water.
    You must protect from dangerous animals and from the weather.
    You must find a shelter.
    You must make a fire.
    You must find your way.

    - dehydrated
    - weak


    Apprendre la leçon

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  • Hi guys,

    today we first made hypotheses about the young man's story at the hospital.
    Then we read an article about what really happened to him.

    Here is what you said:

    Maybe he had* a car accident.
    I guess the man saved him from a shark attack but the shark ate* his leg.
    Maybe the young man drowned.

    Real story of the survivor:
    A teenager got* lost in the Australian bush as he was hiking in the forest.
    He survived fourteen days and nights in a dangerous environment:
    He drank* water.
    He ate* berries and leaves.
    He slept* under logs.
    The weather was* freezing, wet, and foggy.



    - apprendre la leçon sur le jeune homme et ce qui lui est arrivé.

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