• ¡Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EOI: ritual de clase

    - EOC: Projet final Séquence 3

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    Oliver Twist movie

    The document is a movie poster from Oliver Twist.

    The movie was adapted from the book by Charles Dickens.

    The movie director is Roman Polanski.

    In the middle, there is a little boy and around him there are two old men.

    I think the men are catching and holding the boy because they look very angry.

    I think the old men are warning and threatening the boy because he stole* something (money, food...), as he is very poor.

    The boy looks scared because he saw* the cane.

    The men look rich because they have hats, a cane and a cloak.

    We can imagine it is in the 19th century.

    Homework for Thursday 4th: READY FOR YOUR EXPOSES > envoyer les diaporama !

    Tuesday 9th: TEST sur toute la lesson.

    Wednesday 10th: lesson Oliver Twist

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  • Hello,

    Aujourd'hui, vous avez préparé votre tâche finale au brouillon.

    Homework for Thursday 4th:

    TEST sur UNIT 3 - Lesson 1 and 2

    For Monday 8th:

    rendre sa tâche finale au propre sur feuille avec l'illustration correspondant à la description.

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  • Hello,

    Today, you had a theatre session to get ready for your oral test on Falling Down's scene.

    Homework for Thursday 4th:

    - être prêt.e à jouer votre scène à 3.


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  • Wednesday, April 03rd


    2nd extract: The allowance


    An allowance is money from the parents. They can give you pocket money every week for example.


    Chris is jealous because his friend has $5 a week.

    He wants to save up to buy a new leather jacket.


    He doesn’t like his brother’s clothes. They are too small, out of style and not cool.

    When he asks money to his father, everybody is shocked.


    "What the heck?!” “Are you crazy?” “You’re kidding me?”


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