• Positive Negative

    She takes selfies of her cats because they are very cute.

    Selfies can be interesting and incredible.

    She thinks selfies are good moments.

    She likes sharing a good experience.

    It's a good way to keep in touch because she lives in a different city from her family.

    In the future, selfies can be in a museum.
    Seflies can be the new art / the future of art.

    She isn't a selfie addict.

    She doesn't take selfies very often.

    She doesn't like to post her face on the internet / on social media.






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  • ¡Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EO: ritual de clase

    - EOC: repaso sobre las notas de viaje del Che

    - PRL: El pretérito

    - MTEE: Resumir el viaje de Che Guevara y su amigo

    ¿Qué hicieron durante su viaje? (lugares y actividades)

    Primero fueron en la frontera entre Chile y Perú: caminaron en la oscuridad y vieron dos casitas. Luego viajaron a Abancay en Perú y descubrieron el río Apurimac. Para terminar, estuvieron entre Leticia y Bogotá en Colombia: tomaron el avión y volaron entre nubes y sobre la selva. Fue increíble porque experimentaron une nueva sensación.

    Su viaje fue peligroso porque son condiciones de aventuras: Che Guevara y su amigo buscaron el peligro.

    Para el 2 de mayo de 2017:

    - revoir la séquence: passé composé et passé simple

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  • Hello,

    Today you watched a short video and you described it.

    I forgot my phone…

    This document is a short video. A woman doesn't have her cellphone and she wants to enjoy good moments but her friends are on their mobiles all the time, so she is lonely and she looks bored and annoyed. 


    The different situations:

    - The man is surfing the web instead of kissing his girlfriend.

    - Her boyfriend is phoning instead of doing sport with her.

    - Her friends are on their mobiles instead of enjoying the moment and listening to her.

    - The man is proposing on the beach and taking selfies at the same time. 

    - The little girl is on her cellphone instead of playing on the swings.


    Homework for Wednesday 3rd: trouver trois arguments positifs pour l'utilisation des smartphones + revoir video et être capable de décrire les différentes situations.

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  • Hello!

    Today, you revised questions to ask to your classmates.

    Then, you did an activity with Garfield, Odie, Snoopy and John.

    Questions to your friends:

    - Who's your best friend?

    - What food do you enjoy?

    - What do you like doing?

    - What do you need to be happy?


    Garfield and Snoopy

    What do they like doing?

    They like dancing and playing.


    What does John like doing?

    He likes watching TV.


    What does Snoopy like doing?

    He likes reading and drawing.


    Snoopy and Woodstock like doing nothing.


    What food does Garfield enjoy?

    He loves pizza but he hates meat. (jambon = ham) 


    What do they need to be happy?

    They need a lot of love and Garfield needs a lot of success.


    Does he like working on the computer?

    No, he doesn't!


    Homework for Friday 14th: ex. 2 p. 53 BOOK + apprendre leçon.

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